chapter 7

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It's been 10 minutes since Poseidon arrived at my door and am still in shock. After blaze brought an unconscious Poseidon inside, I haven't been able to be still. What's he doing back here and why now? Where the fuck has he been. I hear a grunt turn around and there is Poseidon, sitting up. He turns to face me and his eyes go wide. His face goes pale and fuck he is still gorgeous.

"What the fuck are you doing here Poseidon? I thought I had seen the last of you"

"What wrong with your stomach are you sick"

"No am fine it was nice seeing you. NOW GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE"

"Connor please let me explain"

"Explain what that you fucked me then left me. You knew you was my mate and you knew what it meant and you left anyway"

"I didn't have a choice"

"Yeah you did. You could have called or hey you could have actually waited until I woke up before you took off asshole"

"Connor please let me explain"

"I don't want to here your excuses now please leave. That's what your good at"

I can feel my eyes tearing up my hands are shaking and I feel so sick. I know this isn't good for the baby, but he has hurt me so much. I just want him to leave me alone. I want him to feel what I feel. I want him to hurt like I hurt.

"Blaze honey could you please remove this asshole from my house"

Blaze does as I ask. Poseidon says he will be back later but for once I hope he doesn't. Who does he think he is Thinking he can show up whenever he dammed well pleases. Fuck that blaze shuts the door and leans against it, looking at me in disapproval.

"What was with the honey comment Connor you made it sound like we're together"

"I need him to believe that we are. I know he is going to leave again it's what he does. This way he will leave faster and I can get on with my life"

"You should tell him about the baby Connor it's his son as well"

"No he is my son. Poseidon will leave again. Its better that he doesn't know. I don't want him to feel like he has to stick around for the baby. I think that would kill me. Seeing him everyday acting like he wants me when after all this time I finally understand that he never really did. It's better this way please blaze just go along with it"

I can see I put him a difficult spot but I can't let Poseidon back into my life because I know I won't survive it when he leave again.

"Fine I will go along with it but know this Connor I don't agree with what your doing you owe your son more than a lie He deserves to know his father"

I know blaze is right but I can't do I can't let him back it hurts to much.

4 hours later

Blaze has headed home for the night am sitting down with a cup of hot chocolate when there is a knock on the door. It's Poseidon.

"Can I come in please"

"You have ten minutes"

"Connor I know I did the wrong thing, but I didn't know I would be gone so long"

"You don't have to explain anything to me. I get it what happened was just sex to you. You may be my mate but obviously you don't feel the pull. I let your off the hook"

""That's not what happened"

"Yes it did. You fucked me then left. If you felt even a 10th of what I felt you wouldn't have been able to leave"

"Connor please give me a chance. Your not letting me explain"

"Because it doesn't matter. I moved on am with blaze"

All the blood drains from his face.

"No you can't be. Your my mate that mean's that no one can be with you"

"Not when my true mate doesn't want me"

"But I do want you"

"It's too late Poseidon there's to much hurt. I can't trust you"

"Please don't say that"

I can see he is not going to let this go so I say the one thing that will make him leave. Even though it kills me to say it. I can feel my heart breaking in my chest but it has to be said.

"Poseidon am pregnant with blazes child"

"That's impossible men can't get pregnant"

"Turns out I can. Something about being a true omega. Anyway it doesn't matter now am with blaze, so you can just leave it shouldn't be so hard you have done it before"

"But your my mate were bonded"

"I spoke to Jax about that. When the baby is born there is a spell to break the bond. We won't be mates anymore and you can have what you wanted since you came. You will be free of me"

"I never wanted to be free of you Connor I love you"

"No you don't that's just the bond that's talking because if you loved me you wouldn't have left. Now please leave my house your ten minutes are up"

He turns and walks away he doesn't look back. I try to tell myself that am doing the right thing, but it's killing me. My soul feels like it's tearing in too and one half just walked out the door without a look back.

I lied when I said the bond could be broken it can't but he doesn't have to know that. I will always be tied to Poseidon. There will never be another for me, but I can't be with someone when I don't know they will be there in the morning.

"It's better this way"

Now if only I can make myself believe that.

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