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Chapter Text

I feel fat. Poseidon keeps saying am beautiful and I suppose to him I am in the way a whale is beautiful kind of way. I am 8 months into this never ending pregnancy, and i cant wait for it to be over. I keep saying to myself 4 weeks to go like a mantra in my head. It will all be over in 4 weeks then i remember that Poseidon will have to leave soon after and my heart breaks. I don't know how am going to do this on my own. He is going to miss so much. The baby's first days of life. When he learns to crawl. When he learns to speak and walk. It kills me so much to know he isn't going to be there. I don't know if am strong enough to raise this baby on my own.

"hey beautiful you ok"

"yeah just having some of those Braxton hicks contractions doc was talking about'

"what why didn't you tell me"

"i didn't want to worry you, you have so much on your mind. You may be a God but your still only a man. Besides its nothing to worry about. I still have 4 weeks left, although it feels like 4 years at the moment"

"Connor you need to tell me these things. Whether there something to worry about or not its our son your talking about"

"i know"

I do know he is right. When it comes to storm we're both his parents and anything that happens, we both need to have a say. While we can make still make decisions together. I go to stand up to hug Poseidon when my waters break.

"Poseidon my waters just broke"

"don't be silly your not due for 4 weeks"

"Poseidon i know am not due for 4 weeks BUT MY FUCKING WATERS JUST BROKE"

"'Oh shit"

4 hours later

I have been in labour for what feels like forever. How the fuck do woman do this it fucking hurts.

I scream as another contraction comes.

"just breath baby that's it"


Poseidon goes white. If i didn't feel like i was being ripped apart then it would have been funny. But right now all i can do is just get through the next minute. I didn't know it would be this painful. I thought woman were being dramatic, but now I fucking commend them. I wonder why they decide to do this. I wonder how they do more than once. It awes me. Just then doc walks in.

"ok Conner were ready for you i think its best we do the c-section now"


"sorry i had to wait until the theatre was ready. I had to call the staff in you wasn't due for another 4 weeks. We thought we had time"

"yeah so did I. Can i be knocked out now please"

"am sorry Connor we need you awake. The best i can do is numb you from the chest down"

As he say this i realise that in next few minutes am going to be a father.

"Poseidon i cant do this what if i fuck it up"

"Connor you are amazing and you will make a amazing father. Now get your head together and give birth to our son"

It might sound harsh but at that moment, its what i needed to hear. So i take a breath.

"ok doc lets go have a baby"

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