chapter 10

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Chapter Text

It's been a little over a week since me and Connor got back together and it has been the best time of my very long life. I didn't think it was possible to love someone so much, but I know that our time is running short. The baby will be here soon and I will have to leave for good. But I will fight to stay with my family. Connor is looking more beautiful everyday although his body is starting to hurt a lot more than normal. I spoke to doc and he thinks the baby could be early, because of how big Connor is. The thought of anything happening to him or our son is terrifying.

"Poseidon where are you"

"In here Connor"

Connor waddles in holding his hand over his stomach.

"what are you doing love"

"just getting a start on the baby's room"

"oh do you need any help"

"no am fine. Why don't you go and have a lie down. You look exhausted"

Connor hasn't been able to sleep for the past few days.

"Poseidon am fine"

"please for me Connor you haven't been sleeping well"

"yeah well your son has been keeping me up kicking me all night"

"why is he only my son when he is doing something wrong"

"because am perfect I never do anything wrong dah"

"yes you are"

Connor blushes he doesn't understand how beautiful he is to me.

"Connor we need to talk about what's going to happen when the baby's born"

"do we have to do this now"

"yeah love we don't have much time left"

"thanks for reminding me"

"Connor don't be like that. You know we need to figure out what we are going to do"

"I know but it hurts to think about you not being here. I need you and so does our son"

It kills me to see Connor so upset but I know that we need to decide what we are going do. Closing our eyes and wishing it wasn't true wont work.

"Connor you know the last thing I want to do is to leave you and Storm, but lets face the odds are not in our favour"

"nice reference there to the hunger games love"

"what are the hunger games?"

"forget it"

"Connor I love you and I will fight to stay with you, but even as a god there are only so many things I can do. The rest is up to fate"

"fuck fate and fuck your brothers. You are my mate. The father of my son they will have to go through me to get to you. God or not"

"fuck I love you"

I have never loved anyone before Conner. I didn't know love could be this consuming. It fills every part of my soul and everyday it grows.

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