PRE-DEBUT || Part 9

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~ April 2011 ~

"I swear to God, Bin-ah!! Get up, or I will throw you out of that bunk bed, and this time Yoongi-hyung is not in the dorm to protect you"

Here is a normal morning in the trainees' dorm, where Sunbin was still fast asleep and Joon was trying to wake her up. Yoongi and Sunbin were a terrible and dangerous combination when trying to wake them up, so Joon, being the unofficial soon to be official leader was forced to be the one to wake them up, because Jin, the eldest and most recent addition to the band, was not around in the mornings and Hobi felt asleep with them twice while trying to wake them up.

Four months has passed since Sunbin arrived at the dorms. In the beginning being the only female around was somewhat complicated, but all of them were actually a weird combination that somehow worked well.

Well, "well" was a complicated term, since everyone was still adjusting to the others personalities, some days the dorm looked like a wrestling and screaming match. But nothing that food could not solve, unless, food was the reason of the screaming match.

Making her way to the kitchen, after getting dressed for todays' practice, Sunbin could smell the kimchi pancake that Yoongi did before he left being microwaved. Hobi, Joon and Sunbin were still a nightmare in the kitchen and while Sunbin was still trying to learn how to properly cook from Yoongi and Jin, she was not yet confident in cooking something more elaborated for everyone and risking food poisoning someone.

"Do you need help Oppa?"

"Can you please put the table on, Hobi-hyung went to the bathroom a million years ago and is still there"

While putting up the plates and bringing them to the metal makeshift table that the boys armed last month, Hobi left the bathroom half naked. Sunbin wasn't even surprised anymore, the boys walked around half naked all the time, the only reason that they didn't have more freedom was because Sunbin has literally yelled at them to walk around with at least one pieces of clothing on.

After everyone ate their breakfast, they went to the company where they had a morning full of dance and singing classes.

The dance practice was Sunbin favourite morning schedule. Ballet and Hip-hop had nothing in common, but dancing came naturally for Sunbin, even if she was stuck on one move, she did not leave the practice room until it was perfect, a habit that she got from ballet, and one that the boys hated. She usually with Hobi helped the boys with some dance move or part, she wouldn't call herself a choreographer or anything like that, but she tried to help everyone, by showing and separate the move and choreography in to easier parts for everyone.

When Hobi, Joon and Sunbin arrived at the studio, Yoongi and Jin were already there warming up, while waiting for the dance teacher.

"Yoongi-shi our favourite one has arrived!" Jin said while opening his arms for Sunbin to hug him, something that the girl didn't even had to think twice before doing it.

All of the boys became easily attached to the girl, it only took not even 2 week weeks to warm up to her and being over protectors of the yet 14 year old girl. Being the oldest, Jin and Yoongi really took the older brother part seriously and would protect her and spoiled her any day anytime. Joon, Hobi and Sunbin had turned themselves into a chaotic trio that if left unsupervised could cause the third world war by themselves, just by the amount of clumsiness that Namjoon and Sunbin had in them.

"It's like we don't exist anymore, Namjoonie-shii" Hobi said while dragging his bag across the room and throwing it to the chairs and, dramatically, throw himself on the floor. "Can I get a hug too Yoongi-hyung?"

Yoongi didn't seem fazed at all at the dramatic boy laid across the floor, he just ignored the question and went to the music player to turn on the music. It was the perfect cue for the boy to stop being dramatic and started doing some freestyle.

After half day of dance practicing, all of the trainees were dead on the floor.

"This is supposed to get easier with practice? I'm more tired every single time" Jin was murmuring while grabbing a towel and three bottle of water giving Sunbin and Yoongi who were seated near him.

"Hyung, that just because you are old, you are already 18"

"O-Oh, You brat!! I am only three months older than you!! And you are also 18!!"

While Yoongi and Jin continue to bicker between themselves, Hobi was back at helping Joon, or at least it was what they were supposed to be doing, but both of them were laughing at each other while copying a move that Namjoon did, Sunbin was just seated in between all of them just appreciation the chaotic atmosphere of the practice room.

After the atmosphere calmed down, Yoongi got up and made eye contact with Sunbin making the girl get up from the floor and following him out of the room. Meanwhile the three other members were still looking at the door that the second oldest and youngest member just exist.

"Why are they so secretive?"

"They still think we don't know about their little mini studio that the two of them built in the room under the stairs" Namjoon said while grabbing his wattle bottle from the mini fridge on the corner of the room "They are using it for writing lyrics and producing, and probably napping too, knowing both of them."

"Well, if they want to keep it a secret, they should be less obvious about exiting the room, idiots!"

Park Sun Bin || BTS 8th MemberWhere stories live. Discover now