Yandere Error x (Emotionless) Ink

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Third Person POV

Error and Ink were fighting once again. Like most of the time actually. Ink was beginning to get tired of it because he barely has time to chase Error away from an AU he is attacking another one. Causing Ink to lose more and more power, because he is using his vials, without being able to recharge them.

And so, what was bond to happen happened. He was so low on paint his eyes didn't have those unique shapes anymore. Though the color was still changing and he was heaving. Error managed to tie him up with his strings.

Ink's POV

I guess Error is going to kill me... well, I am immortal, so I am just going to reappear colorless in the doodlesphere then come back to my sense.

He walks toward me with a smirk. I would be lying if I said his smirks didn't become creepier over time. Like, they still feel dangerous... but, how to put it... the type of danger feels like it is a different one ?

Error : Got you, Squid~

Ink : Yeah, it seems so. Then, what are you waiting for ? Do what you always wanted. Finish me.

Error : Hm ? Well, if I have your autorisation then~

His smile gave me chills then the strings broke Broomie and pulled me in the Anti-void, my sash being taken away from me, with my smaller paintbrushes. Error steps in and closes the portal, leaving me tied up in the Anti-void. He walks around and just sits and sew for now. Though I can't see well what he is doing.

Huh, what ?

Ink : Huh, aren't you going to... kill me ?

Error : I never said what I wanted to do was killing you, Squid. And, I already killed you in the past, didn't I ? I know you are immortal, thank to your lack of soul.

Welp, can't deny this surely play a part, can't I ? Wait, so what's the pl... I freeze and shake in fear.

Ink : Don't tell me... you plan... to keep me... h-here...?

I can feel tears coming to my sockets. No, no... not in a place like this... no...

Error : Not that far of the mark. Well, if you behave, you maybe won't have to stay in the Anti-void forever. It all depends on you now.

I try to calm down, if I begin to panick, I will puke and ran out of paint faster. And the faster I lose my color, the more likely I am to get trapped here...

I search for anything I can use to take my mind off from the situation. I hate how strong Error's strings are. If they aren't that strong, I could break free without risking to break my arms.

Error's POV

I finally got Ink where I wanted him to be. Somewhere where he will only be mine to have and see. Well, I can't stop the voices, but, they can't stop me neither.

I continue to finish my new masterpiece. Hm, I will maybe need to make some adjustments later, but this seems fine for the most part.

I can hear Ink panicking behind me. The Anti-void do stress out people, but, that weird he reacts so quickly...

I turn around to see and he seems completely terrorised. I am not sure how long I zoned out to finish, but Ink is clearly unwell and crying right now. He is keeping his eyes closes and mumbling to himself repeating "don't panic".

Error : Well, you seem to be panicking quite a lot to me.

I teleport off my work and walk toward him, keeping my glasses on to see him better. He opens his eyes. It is a shame that they dulled a bit from how much I forced him to use his power, but if I didn't do it, I wouldn't have been able to capture him now, do I ?

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