Life : The CQ Household normal day

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Third Person POV

This was a peaceful morning, in Eboot city, the flowers were blooming, the birds were sining and...

Error : FRESH !!!! Bring you funking ass over here you parasite !!

Peace is never meant to last, visibly.

Fresh : Whassup brah ? I didn't do anything.

Error : You are always the one who mess with my things ! Where is the box of sewing tools Ink gave me for my birthday, you blasted radhole ?! And stop censuring everything I say !!

Holo is sitting at the table, drinking some apple juice and giving Geno his medication. Reboot is hidden behind the family eldest, scared. Myriad is making breakfast, and desesperately trying to ignore the screaming.

Reboot : Brother Holo... you should stop them, no...?

Holo : Don't worry, Boot. With how loud they are being, this will soon be over...

He rubs his little brother's head. Geno sighs for the 10th time today already, and this is only the morning.

Meanwhile, Fresh continue to pledge his innocence, though he teases Error about his obvious crush on Ink. So, Error gets even angrier.

Holo : 3... 2... 1...


The whole family jumps from fear and Holo lifts Reboot to put him on his seat while Myriad serves breakfast.

Their mother gets there, clearly pissed from being woken up so early a sunday morning, after having worked up until late at night the day before.

Geno looks around.

Geno : Where is Template ?

Holo : He left to go at Ink's place, I think.

Geno : This early in the morning...?

Holo shrugs, before seemingly realising something.

Holo : Ah.

Reboot : What ?

Holo : ... Template is the one who got rid of the box...

Geno : What ?

Reboot : ... How...

Holo : I wasn't fully awake, but I am sure I saw Template with Error's box.

Geno, Reboot : ...

Myriad : He destroyed it.

Geno : Most likely.

Reboot : Template is really petty, when this comes to Ink and Error's relationship...

They all nod.

CQ : Error, you are grounded ! You are to come back home immediately after school, and give up on inviting friends over, is this clear !? I already told you to stop making Fresh the reason of everything going wrong in this house ! Now, to you room !!

Error attempts to argue, but reevaluate his choice, when seeing just how furious his mother is. At this rate, she is going to move his room in the basement or redecorate it Fresh's style, just to punish him. When she is sleep-deprived, her punishment can turn petty, real quick.

He gets up and goes to his room, not without glaring at Fresh.

Geno : So, what do we do ?

Reboot : Good question...

Geno : Myriad, do you have Ink's phone number ?

Myriad : No, but I have Paint's.

Geno : Good enough, I will borrow your phone later, then.

Myriad : Sure.

Fresh joins them for breakfast, while their mother goes back to pass out in her room.

Holo prepares some hot chocolate for Error and takes a few toast, to bring it to his grumpy brother, while Myriad hands over his phone to Geno, after putting Paint's contact.

Geno and Paint talk for a while on the phone, before Geno hangs up and sighs.

Reboot : So ?

Geno : Paint said he would send Myriad a video later and that Myr should sent it to Error. Apparently, it would cheer him up ?

Holo : ... I think I already know what he is planning to do.

Myriad : So am I.

Reboot stares at his brothers, confused.

Holo : Boot, please stay innocent as you are...

He hugs him. Geno nods.

Later that day, Myriad receives a video and sent it to Error immediately. The grumpy teenager stares at his phone, before putting the video on play, confused.

In it, he sees Ink interrogating Template about the fate of the sewing box. And, since Template is the worst liar on the face of the earth, he got caught and Ink gave him a scolding that shouldn't be that terrifying... If you aren't Template that put Ink on a pedestal, that is.

 Error smiles... And plans his revenge on Template.

Peace was never an option in this family, and so, CQ will need to find new punishment ideas. Again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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