Lust x Dance

144 4 14

Precision :

Though of the characters


On phone

The request was for fluff with a bit of angst.

Enjoy !


Lust's POV

I sigh to myself.

I just finished work for the day and went back home. I took a quick shower to get rid of the smell of alcool and smoke that fills the bar.

Once out of the shower, I take some less revealing clothes. I want to practice without hearing cat whistles so I need to go in another AU to have some peace.

I put on the hood of my purple hoodie and teleport off in another AU. I search for a quiet place and turn on my headphone to dance and sing.

I get in my own world, having fun.

Dance's POV

I was taking a stroll in my AU, to go to my favorite spot to train, when I see someone is already there, dancing and singing.

When they turn while dancing, I get to see this is another me.

Dance : I didn't know there was another version of me who danced. I thought they were all too lazy for it. But, that guy... he is enjoying it. He really loves what he is doing. Hm...

I lean on the tree, looking at the purple skeleton dancing and singing before me.

They have quite the endurance and nice moves. And they do differents style too.

After dancing for 5 songs without a break, they finally stop and I clap my hands.

They jolt and turn toward me.

Dance : Nice move, buddy. I am Dance, the Sans of this AU. You are ?

I come down toward them.

Lust's POV

What do I do ? If I say I am from Underlust, is he also going to... I look away, hugging myself.

Dance : Don't wanna tell ? That's fine, but I would like to have a name for such a talented rival.

I turn toward him.

Lust : Rival ?

Dance : I never thought I would met another Sans who dance. So, yeah. I thought I was the dance master, I can't lose that title. I would not deserve my name another now, won't I ?

I smile.

Lust : ... Sugar Plum. Everyone in my AU calls me Sans, but my real name is Sugar Plum.

Dance : Hm. Can I just call you Plum ? Though I am sure you are a sweetheart, I feel like I would be flirting with you, if I use Sugar. And, I don't want to risk you being uncomfortable.

I blink, before bursting out laughing. The guy from Underlust ? Uncomfortable because someone flirts with them ? This would be hilarious.

Lust : Call me however you want, Sweetie.

Dance : Plum this is then.

Third Person POV

After that day, the two skeletons visit each other at the same spot frequently. They alternate between dancing with each other, showing off some new moves they mastered, or making puns with each other.

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