Bad sanses x Nightmare

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Request : bad sanses x nightmare fluff

Third Person POV

Inside of the Bad Sanses castle. The Bad came back from a battle, all more or less badly injured, though their pride is way more damaged than all of them.

Nightmare had teleported right away in his room. Killer pulls himself off the ground to go and heal Horror, while Cross takes care of Dust who is next to him. Error just falls through a portal to his bed. He will just sleep it off, and he will be fine.

The Murder trio and Cross finish taking care of each other, and like most of the time, after they fail, they all sleep together, cuddling. Cross and Horror sleep in the middle, while Killer and Dust are each leaning on one of them. (Killer is leaning on Cross, while Dust is leaning on Horror).


The next morning, the four of them go downstairs, to notice that the Papyris are missing.

Cross : This is the first time I don't see the Papyris... We should go check on Boss...

Killer : No need. It happens, from time to time. Boss got too many arrows, so he doesn't have the extra magic to make the Papyris. Give him sometime and it will be back to normal. Plus, remember ? He ordered us not to enter his room.

Dust : This happened rarely, but we also saw it, from time to time.

Horror nods.

Cross : So, what do we do ?

Killer : First, let's make some breakfast. Horror, do you mind if we help you, today ?

Horror shakes his head, and they get to making some simple breakfast, and sit down.

Killer : When this is like this, we usually do the following. Horror cooks for us, I deal with Boss's paperworks, as much as possible to reduce the quantity he will have, once he is back on feet, and Dust did everything he could.

Dust : Mainly, the laundry and cleaning the most used rooms of the castle. Error never helped. He either stay in his room or go pick a fight with Ink.

Cross : So, what can I help with ?

Killer : I don't need help with the paperworks, or more like, Boss will surely not approve, so help Horror and Dust as you can, Crossy.

Cross : If you say so. ... How long does it last ?

Killer : Back in the day when it was only me and Boss, it could last months, but now...? Hm, I would say about a month, at most. We just need to wait and make it so that Boss will not come out to a ruined mansion.

Dust : I will take care of the laundry, I am confident about it, but you can help me cleaning up. Usually, Boss makes up to us for being unvaible for so long too, especially if the castle is in a good state.

Killer : This is what motivate this lazybone.

Killer points jokishly toward Dust who glares at him.

Dust : At least, I am not sucking up to Boss at every occasion.

Killer : I don't, if not, I would always be under the table, Dusty~

Cross chokes on his chocolate milk while Dust blushes and looks away. Killer gets up and prepare some coffee.

Killer : I will get going. Horror, can you make me sandwiches for lunch ? I won't come down for a while.

Horror gives Killer a thumb -up and the targeted soul skeleton goes upstairs, to Nightmare's office.

Cross : Wait, don't tell me that Killer's diet during those time...

Dust : He only eat for breakfast. If he has time, if he sleeps in, he only takes coffee. And, yes, he only eats sandwiches, because Killer does not have Boss's four extra limbs.

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