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Request : Angst (I am not sure if this is good enough, sorry)

Red's POV

I am on a date with Classic, but he looks a bit off today. I am guessing there is something on his mind, he always made that face when something is wrong.

Red : Hey, Nerd. What is wrong ?

He finally looks up at me.

Classic : What do you mean...?

Red : Ok, nerd, in case you forgot, we have been dating for years. So, I know that you ain't ok, right now. What is on your mind ? I don't always have the best advices, but I can at least listen to ya.

Classic : I don't want to...

Red : I swear, if the next part is "to worries you", then fess up, bud. Because I am already worrying about you, and that sentence is kinda ineffective, don't ya think ?

He looks at me, before sighing.

Classic : Nothing much. The kid has just been doing Genocide a lot.

Ah. Yeah, I can't completely understand that one, I guess. Genocide is pretty rare in Underfell. But...

Red : ... Yeah... I... Well, you know you can always drop by, any time. This is what a boyfriend is for, after all. Support each other.

I pat his back and he looks at me in silence for a while, before nodding in silence. Shit, I am not that good at comforting other.

Classic went home after the date, but I can't stop thinking that I really need to find a book to help me give better advice or support... He has always been good at this, while I just suck...

Edge : What are you groaning about again ? Did you have a fight with your boyfriend ?

Red : A part of me would nearly prefer it. Because at least, I know I just screw up and I have to apologise. It nearly would be easier...

This pattern has been repeated for a while, until one night.

I wake up when feeling someone on me, in the middle of the night. I open my eye, which is already flaring up, until I hear the sound of cries and see Classic.

I quickly sit up to grab his shoulders.

Red : What is wrong ?

Classic : Red... Is it bad... Is it bad to want to end it all...?

What ? End what ? What is going on ?

Before I can ask any of it, he teleports away. That... was that a dream ? Or was it real ?

I spend the rest of the night debating it... how to say that I was not very performant during the day and basically fainted on my bed for the night.

I end up going to the kid for advices and they gave me the neutral face of disappointment, followed by pushing me outside telling me to hurry to go check on Classic.

I sigh and teleport to Classic's timeline. Oh, yeah, we are capable of doing it thank to a device we built with Ink's approval and help, if you wonder.

Anyhow, I arrived in the AU and quickly notices it is really quiet. I am guessing it must be a genocide, again.

I sigh and take out a cigarette. I won't be able to stay calm without one, right now. I lit it up and teleport to the lab to see on the camera where is the human, so I can guess where he could be. I don't see them on any of the camera, damn it.

Guess I will need to walk around the AU, then. Or should I wait for a reset ?

I start walking, but while doing so, the timeline go through a few reloads. This mean there is a fight. But, the only real fight that could cause those reload are with Undyne or with Sans... Undyne would have been on camera and I didn't see either of them in the Judgment hall... What is going on ?

After sometime searching everywhere I can in the AU, I hear some crazy broken laughter.

Wait... this voice...

I hurry in the direction of the voice, leaving my cigarette falling in the snow. I arrive out of breath to find the bloody corpse of the Frisk of this timeline and a laughing and crying Sans.

Red : Nerd ?

He stops laughing to look at me. His eyes changed. His left eye is now red and blue, instead of blue and yellow.

I think some bit of sanity snapped in him when he saw me, but before he can attempt to run away, I tackle him and hug him.

I don't know what happened, but I can't let him like this, alone. Or he will really break for good, then.

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