Cross x Horror

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Request : Cross x Horror fluff

Third Person POV

The Murder trio was gathered in Nightmare throne room. Dust and Killer are whispering to themselves, a bit behind Horror.

Killer : What does he want ?

Dust : If you don't know, how could I ?

Nightmare clears his throat and they shut up, standing straight.

Nightmare : I called you here, because our team will welcome a new member from today onward. Cross, you can come in.

A monochrome skeleton walks in the room, to stand next to Nightmare.

Nightmare : This is Cross, you better treat him well. This is all.

Nightmare melts in the shadow, surely to go back to his office. Killer walks up to Cross.

Killer : Heya, Crossy, I am Killer. The first member of the gang and Nightmare's right-hand. The cracked skull is Horror. He doesn't speak much, so don't take it personally. And the one with the hood is Murder, from Dusttale.

Dust : Why is he only calling me correctly when he is in "right-hand" mode ?

Horror shrugs. Killer heard him, however, so he gets a shit eating grin on his face.

Killer : Or, you can just call him Dust or Dusty~

Dust : Killer, you bastard !

Killer laughs and hurries to leave, while Dust run after him. Cross stares at this and looks at Horror.

Cross : Does it happen often ?

Horror nods.

Cross : And Boss tolerate it ?

Horror shakes his head.

Horror : If they damage... anything... they get punished...

Cross : I see... Huh, do you mind showing me around ?

Horror nods and lead the way, simply dropping the name of the rooms they are stopping by. They do not enter Nightmare's office or the bedrooms, for obvious reasons. Horror opens the room that Cross will sleep in from now on.

Horror : Your... room.

Cross : I see... thank you, Horror. Hm, is there anything I can help with, while I am here ?

Horror stares at Cross, before begrugigly remembering a rule of the castle. When there is a new member, to allow the team to starts hanging out, Nightmare makes the Papyris disappear for a while.

Horror : The chores...

Cross : Sure, I will help !

Horror nods and leaves Cross alone. Better head to the kitchen now. Killer and Dust are surely going to argue... plus, if he is the one cooking, he can eat the leftovers of the preparation.

After lunch, Cross suggested to help Horror in the kitchen, at the end of the meal, when hearing the other three naturally thanking Horror for the food.

Horror studies him in silence. The itchen is nearly his own personal space, so thinking of someone new trepassing do not please him, but Boss will scold him, if he refuses. So he just nods.

Fortunately, Cross is as good with a knife than Killer, though not as fast, so it is still doing ok. Cross always waits for Horror next instruction.

And like that, a small routine started out, slowly but surely.

Training in the morning, then cooking the breakfast, cleaning the dishes, making lunch and dinner in advance, Killer occasionally entering the kitchen to make coffee for Nightmare, like a clock and Dust sometimes coming to drink a glass of vodka. Never more, because Horror is the one pouring the vodka and putting it back to its rightful place. Cross noticed that Horror always write it, when Dust comes to takes some vodka.

 As time went by, Horror started to rely more and more on Cross and give him more instruction.

The two do not notice they are spied upon by Dust and Killer, since those two are the sneakiest of the team. Especially Killer, for who this is his job.

At some point, Nightmare puts the Papyris back into place, confusing the hell out of Cross. So, Killer has to step up and explain.

Killer : Those are the Papyris. They are made by Boss's power. They are the manpower of the castle. He took them away so you could bond with us and he could see if you managed to fit in.

Cross : Ah.

Dust : You can still cook, though. The Papyris let Horror cook sometimes, when he has something on his mind or other stuffs like this. It's just so we don't lose time and energy on chores on working days.

Cross nods, though he is still a bit disappointed. He liked spending time in the kitchen, alone with Horror.


The Bad are back from their first mission together with Cross and got their asses handed to them by the Stars.

Horror groans in pain. Blue had stuck him with his hammer, pretty hard, and to make matter worse, he collided violently with the stone wall of the Underground

Killer is over him, healing him, while Cross is taking care of the smaller injuries of Dust.

Dust : I didn't think you knew Ink, Cross. He looked so shocked to see you.

Cross : Yeah, this is... a long story. But, damn... I knew he was powerful, but seeing him managing to do all that is... shocking. And, I am sure he held back...

Nightmare : He did... you never saw him clashing with the Destroyer.

Nightmare is taking out, one by one, every arrow that Dream manages to stuck in him. He shouldn't have moved Killer to fight alongside Horror against Blue. He was wide open for Dream, like this.

Cross : Killer, you should heal yourself too. You are in a bad state...

Indeed, Killer looks like he was in the middle of a hurricane, because he took a swing of Broomie from Ink, right in his back, which made him actually collide with the ceiling of the underground. All the Bad had winced at this, especially Cross who had a perfect sight of it, from his ink puddle restrain on the floor.

Nightmare takes Horror softly.

Nightmare : Killer, heal up. I will bring Horror to his room. Can one of you make him some HP food ?

Cross : I will take care of it.

Nightmare nods and do as he said. Cross heads toward the kitchen, after washing up and changing in clean clothes. He made some soup, so it would be easy for Horror's body to absorb the magic.

He comes back inside of Horror's room, and since the cannibal cannot move his left-hand, Cross takes upon himself to feed Horror.

The cracked skull is blushing and evidently embarrassed, but takes it.

Horror : ... Cross... Thank you, it was... delicious.

Cross : I am glad. Will you allow me to CHECK how well it healed you ?

Horror nods, and to Cross surprise, it completely healed Horror's HP. Which mean that after a good nap, Horror's body will be ok too.

Cross : Wow, I didn't know that my food would heal you so well.

Horror is fuming and go under the blanket.

Horror : Night...

Cross : Ah, yeah, Good night.

Cross leaves the room, and goes to the library, to find the book about HP food, because he is certain what he did shouldn't have healed Horror this well.

Before blushing and closing the book, completely flustered.


What the book said :

"HP food is the name given to food made with healing magic mixed in. The type of food, the skill of the cook and the skill in healing magic of the cook will all affect the quality of the food.

However, what is less known is the fact that food made with love or made by one that the eater has loving feelings for will heal better."

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