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"This way!" Yells Jedd, we're both making our way through thick bramble towards the scream, I can feel thorns in my arm and my face had been cut pretty bad but it's alright, it's all okay as long as we can get Anya back. I close my eyes and continue to run after Jedd before we're both stopped dead in our tracks... A dead end? It can't be, I know the scream came from this way, I look over at Jedd who's trying to force his way through the buses to get to the other side.

"Oh boys, look at you so desperate"

I know this voice.

"LUCY" My voice comes out confident and loud, almost the opposite of what I'm really feeling.

"I'm sorry but my boss doesn't want to see you right now" She emerges from the bushes in front of us and is standing a mere few feet away from us. "we just can't have you barging in right now. He has an appointment with someone else" She laughs and my gut clenches. Someone else... please don't be Raina.

"Who do you think you are" My teeth are clamped together and I'm talking through gritted teeth. She sends me a sweet smile and brushes her long hair back over her shoulder.

"I'm no one special per-say" She speaks softly as if trying to seduce us "I'm just a travelling girl who wants my revenge" Her smile is bitter sweet and she wipes a small tear from her eye before turning to look at us. Almost imminently my anger washed away

"Is Anya safe?" Calm and composed I unclench my fists to look at her.

"If you're talking about the little one, yeah, she's safe, we just need her to sit tight until our dear Raina comes back to us with that immune and we can give her back safe and sound on one condition..." We all stay silent for a moment before Jeff asks what she wants

"I want you to leave Raina and Taylor behind. Let us deal with them" Her smile starts to twist into something I've not seen before and a feeling in my gut started to twist "That traitor and the immune belong together for sure, it suits her so much"

"Raina is no traitor; you just don't understand her" the words come out before I can stop them and before I know she has me and Jedd up against the bushes with her hands on our throats. Her smile had turned to a sneer and her red eyes pierced through me. I'd never seen eyes as red as them almost as if she was bewitching herself.


"You're a which aren't you?" Her grip released and we both fell to the floor

"How? How can you figure that out? I tried so hard, I didn't do anything to show it, this plan was flawless and you out of all people you figured me out? How?" I could hear the panic in her voice, I had scared her, and I was right.

"First off your shorter than us and you could hold us so our feet didn't touch the floor" Jedd said, cutting in. I hadn't even noticed that, I start to laugh, loudly, uncontrollably, I just couldn't help myself. By the time I'd calmed down they we're both staring at me like I was crazy and I couldn't blame them.

"I was just going to say your eyes, they glow when your using your magic, I'd never seen red like that so it gave you away. I scratch the back of my head and look round to see her blushing.

"Oh, well I guess they are good points, but you know elementals can't beat a magic user, no matter what you do or how you do it, you won't be able to beat me... and I can't let you through or Adam will be angry. I want him to love me not hate me" She laughs and finally we start to understand.

This isn't about getting revenge on Raina.

This is about her.

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