𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚༄: shinso

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When school finally ended everyone got up to leave the class but there was a crowd blocking the path. You put on your mask to try to pass without having anyone see you.

"are these the guys who fought real villians at the usj?"

"where's the girl who fought with aizawa sensei?"

"the half and half boy looked so cool"

You heard whispered that ticked you off and made you pissed. Suddenly bakugo stepped up to them and told them to move. But no one did😜

A boy pushed through the crowd to take a look. "look who it is.. Class 1-A. How does it feel to be center of attention" blue haired guy started to diss us. You were intreseted in his hair cuz it looked soft.

"move you damned extra" bakugo yelled and tried not to use his quirk on the boy.

"I'm shinso (something) class 1-B. I came to see what class 1A looks like. But you seem arrogant" everyone just stared at him.

"is everyone in the hero course like this" that triggered the class and bakugo groaned. You just laughed.

"seeing something like this makes me disillusioned. There are quite a few people who in rolled in. General studies or other courses cuz they didn't make it into hero course"

"did you know that?" he continued. Bakugo was going to speak but you quickly turned off your quirk and spoke.

"of course we knew! But it's not our fault that you guys were weak" you laughed and raised your voice making everyone look at you.

"aww I love your hair. Would make a good sonic cosplay. But we already have one so you seem like a ripoff to me" you pointed at lida and chuckled standing next to bakugo.

"well if it isn't n/n l/n. Fighting with aizawa sensei was very stupid to show off your abilities." shinso spoke. You used your background check to see what quirks he has.

Everyone noticed your eyes glowing white. They thought it was weird to use a harmless quirk all of the sudden but some backed away incase the quirk was harmful. You learned that his quirk was manipulation which intreseted you.

" nice quirk you have there, no wonder you didn't make it to the hero course. Very useless to fight bots with it.. Pity" you turned off your quirk and smirked. Shinso's eyes widened but it went back to normal.

"everyone in school thought you were cute but I don't see it" he ignored your statement and sneered at you.

"of course you fucking  don't! Acting is so tiring and I want to have the pleasure of kicking someone's nuts" you wrapped your arms around bakugo which made him mad but he for some reason didn't move. He probably liked what youre saying.

"can I touch your hair?" you made Grabby hands. Bakugo looked at you if you were mentally ill.

"no.. The results in sports festival will make the school consider our transfer to the hero course and it seems they'll also transfer people out-"

"blah blah bleh Nobody gives a shit about your chit chat, mister boy with the villian quirk" you said the last part slowly to get him off gaurd. The class gasped at what you said. Shinso was speechless at this point.

"oh don't you worry boo. I love your quirk. You see.. Mine also counts as a villian quirk. " you darkly said and let go of bakugo. "let's make a deal shinso" you put your hands on your waist and got closer to him.

"if we win the sports festival, I get to touch your hair and your number" you winked making him wide his eyes.

"and if you don't?" shinso smirked. Your frowned but chuckled.

"I will make sure that aizawa sensei transfers you and drop bakugo out" you chuckled while bakugo just went furious.

"why not you? If I win the sports festival then I want you out"

"I won't even fucking participate in this shit but whatever. IF I participate then I'll drop out" you extended your hands for him to shake. So stupid he shook yours. You darkly smiled and took his quirk.

"say... What time is it?" you asked innocently putting on your mask to transform.

"12:17.. Why-" shinso dumply answered your question and he froze. You were surprised by how his quirk worked. The class just stared stared at you.

"make them move if they wanna save their quirks to themselves" you said loudly for everyone to hear. Shinso didn't even have to do anything cuz lmao they ran like how your dad ran away.

You transformed back making shinso out of your order. He just stood staring at you with wild shock. "oops you messed up! No hard feelings yeah? I would love to be friends with you blueberry" you passed him and walked outside.

Before you were out the gates you heard midorya, lida and uraraka call out to you. "y/n WAIT.." they caught up and you just waited for them to stop panting.

"you said you had a Cillian quirk.. Were you..... a villian?" midorya started.

"no fucking way I would be a villian." you answered and crossed your arms.

"what's your other quirk" l
Iida asked making his robotic hand gestures.

"not telling" you started to get bored and you have no clue why you said that you had villian family.

"does.. Aizawa sensei know about this" urarake asked and you can tell she was kind of scared.

"shut up, not answering more questions " you shook your head and started to frown.

"w-wait.. What" midorya asked getting off gaurd with your answer.

" Now no hard feelings babes. Secrets are meant to be hidden"

"you know you can count on us right? " midorya asked and you really got annoyed with his questions.

"apperantly I said too much that you won't shut up" you turned around and left. The three of them were thinking if they should let someone know or not.

In conclusion: they won't

You'll kill them if they did anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️.


𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚎𝚜𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚘 𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚍𝚎𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚘 | bnhaWhere stories live. Discover now