Chapter 4 - 2022's.

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The first sight Anne saw was Marcus' father's room. Just like before, she was still wearing her white dress. Next to her were still her friends. Then her gaze spread across the room, looking for the calendar.

January 7th, 2022. One week before the incident.

"Immediately to the airport to buy a ticket to Korea."

Marcus had a confused expression, "We don't need some of the tickets."

"We must. The day of Carlisle's death is January 14th, and we don't know when he was shot."

Anne continued, "And how could you not tell me if the dates are so close as before?" 

"I didn't know either, Ann. Everything I did for you was spontaneous." 

"Next time, speak before you act. Actions mean nothing without words, at least by me." 

"Can you turn off your cell phone, Zev? It's making too much noise for my ears." Ralf protested.

"Get the passport and visa ready. Our flight is in half an hour."

Charles de Gaulle Airport was the closest airport to Marcus' house. They drive to arrive early. You should know that they didn't bring any other equipment except a cell phone.

Luckily the plane hadn't taken off yet, so they immediately sat in business class and rested themselves. Zevryn took a flight with one stopover at Haneda Airport, Tokyo. It will arrive in Korea in one or two days.

"What are we going to do later?" Marcus asked.

"Did you do what I asked, Ann?"

"I did. He would put it in the post box in front of my house." 

Ralf nodded, "You remember, Zev, that Anne sent people to investigate this case? We went to Anne's house to take over the evidence he collected, and our mission this time is to save Carlisle." 

"We will secretly follow where Carlisle meets his friends, who the friends are, and take a look at his surroundings. It's impossible if there is no awkwardness." 

Gimpo, Seoul, South Korea.

After sitting on an airplane for two days, they arrived in their homeland. Nothing was different here. Many people passed by carrying suitcases, and some were waiting for someone's return. Seoul was still warm, but not for Anne.

They walked outside, found a taxi, and immediately left for Anne's house. Stupidly here, Zevryn was the only one who had money. All their needs for life in Seoul would have to be covered by Zevryn.

Arriving in the neighborhood of Anne's house, they walked silently so as not to be caught by Carlisle. Anne could see that Carlisle was sitting on the terrace reading the newspaper there, and Anne missed him. 

Seeing that, Zevryn immediately closed Anne's eyes, then invited her to hide behind the wall of someone's house. Anne got carried away.

Zevryn shook his head, "Nah, it's okay. Take your time as much as you want. I will wait."

"Or should I open the postbox?" Ralf volunteered.

"Use your brain, Ralf. How would Carlisle react if he knew you were here? At least let Carlisle go first." Marcus said.

Anne peeked over the wall to see if Carlisle was still there. But shockingly, she saw one of her friends talking to Carlisle. Meanwhile, she realized that all her friends were nearby. 

"How was that?" Ralf asked.

Anne shook her head, "Still there. We'll wait a while longer."

Her heart skipped a beat, her mind raced, and she couldn't stop staring at the three of them. Was what she recently saw? Seeing one person who looks like our friend in different places. Anne didn't know the theory of time machines.

"It's gone." 

Hearing that, Anne immediately walked to the post box in front of her yard. Surprisingly, she didn't find anything there. Some of the proof had been replaced with a piece of paper. Anne kept it to herself without telling her friends.

"So, all we can do is watch Carlisle's movements." Ralf decided to change strategy.

Anne dived into her thoughts. She replayed the moment Carlisle died. Marcus was with her at the museum. Anne didn't know what Ralf and Zevryn were doing. But why would one of their friends come all the way here? What did it have to do with Carlisle?

"We split into two teams. The first team will follow Carlisle's movements, while the second team will observe the area where the murder took place. Usually, the killer will be at the location to find a safe spot to execute the victim. Anne with me." 

Zevryn took Anne's hand, "She's with me following Carlisle's movements." 

"I'll go to the location with Marcus."

The decision was final. The four of them separated themselves from their assigned tasks. Let's focus on Anne and Marcus first.
The distance between the two of them and Carlisle was not far enough. Marcus was busy looking around, while Anne was busy considering the questions that she wanted to ask Marcus.

After struggling with her thoughts, Anne finally decided to ask Marcus.

"Marcus, do you remember where Ralf went when we went to the museum?" 

"College. He had an organization meeting until night." 

"What about Zevryn?"

"Ah, for that guy, I don't know. He said he had some sudden business that required him to go out of town."

Meanwhile in another situation, it was Ralf and Zevryn who seemed to be hiding in a deserted coffee shop. Not far from the location of the incident. Both of them were silent. They were busy observing.

The difference here was in the object they were observing. Ralf seemed focused on watching a few people pass by while Zevryn was busy watching the actions of the person in front of him. Ralf himself was not stupid to be known that intensely by his friend.

"Until when are you going to adore my good looks?"

Ralf continued, "I am handsome, Zev, but I still like girls, and I already have a girlfriend." 

Zevryn was still observing Ralf.

"Or is it possible that your feelings for me are that deep? Or because you're not with Anne, you choose to like me?" 

"I didn't know your brain was as shallow as the Kovasselva river." 

Ralf seemed to be thinking about something, "Shallow as the river Tamborasi to be more accurate."

"Where were you when Marcus and Anne went to the museum?" Zevryn asked.

"Spent the night on campus. Did you forget that I joined the student organization?" 

"Be honest with me, jerk. I know you weren't on campus at the time."

Ralf smiled, "You also went to Seoul that day, right?"


To be continue.

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