Chapter 9

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*Patroclus POV*

"So... Do you still love her?" Achilles asks me after I finished telling him about what happened with Briseis yesterday. We were sitting on the benches of the gym, holding hands.

"Yes, I thought you knew it after all we went through it is hard not to love her, it's just sad we ended up like that... It hurts but..." His grip got a bit tighter and I smiled at him "It kind of dissapears whenever I'm with you, it's really weird to experience things like this with a guy."

"It's normal, you know? The feelings I have for you are real... I get you still love her and I won't make you give me a chance but..."

"You don't have to, I'm giving you a chance because I have feelings for you too. Yeah, I didn't meant for it to happen but it feels good." I put my hand on his shoulder and he kissed the top of my head.

We stayed like this until the bell ring, we didn't need to talk. We were fine just being with each other and that's part of the attraction he has, he makes people feel comfortable around him. He makes me feel comfortable around him.

"Briseis. Hello." I say when I see her next to my locker. After the gym Achilles and I went apart.

"Hi." She says nervously.

"Um... What brings you here?" I open my locker and retreat the books that I need.

"I don't know, I wanted to talk to you."

"About what?"

"I won't give up, I should but I won't." I star at her and somehow I laugh.

"You should." I say and close my locker.

"Achilles." I say with a smile, when I sat next to him at our next class.


"Let's go on a date. Tonight." I decided this after the talk with Briseis. I still love her, I know that, but I like Achilles and I want to be with him. I don't want to be with Briseis, not because I think she's a bitch or something like that, in fact, I think that it would be hypocritical from me to think that as I developed feelings for Achilles while I was with her but because even if I forgive her for what she did to me, I will never be able to forget about it.

"Really?" I nod. "Well, then of course. Where do you want to go?"

"I don't know but... I want to go out with you, on a date. Let's go wherever you want." I say.

"I'll pick you, I know where to take you." He says and the teacher enters the room and the class starts.

Around 7 o'clock, Achilles comes and picks me up. He didn't tell me where he is taking me so I decided for a pair of black jeans and red t-shirt.

"You look great." He says when he saw me. He does too, he is wearing a pair of jeans with a white t shirt and a leather jacket.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see." He says as we enter his car. It's weird, going on a date with someone new, but it is even weirder to go out with a same sex person. It's still weird to me sometimes, the idea that I like a boy. "Thank you." He says after a while.

"For what?"

"For asking me on a date. It shows you actually want something with me, more than hook up." He tries to joke about it by making the hook up joke but I know he's serious.

"Oh..." I don't know what to say, and somehow I end up saying what is probably the dumbest thing to say. "You're welcome."

When we get to the park, he stops. Is this his idea of a date? I still don't know what he wants to do more than coming to the park.

He gets out of the car and I do the same. From the back he gives me a blanket and he takes a picnic basket.

"A picnic?" I ask

"Nothing more romantic that seeing the stars while eating some delicious food." He says and I smile.

We walk for a while until we find the perfect spot, we lay down over the blanket and we stare at the sky; he was right, this is as romantic as it gets.

We talk a lot, about everything, and we kiss too. I feel happy, and I think he feels happy too.

I get home past midnight and he takes me to the door. It feels weird, as if I'm a girl but I try not to think about that as he kisses me against the door.

"See you later." He says with a smile. "Oh, and would you go out with me tomorrow?" I nod.

The next day comes and with it another day, I choose the place this time. We go to my special place, and just like last night we have a great time.

And just like that time starts passing by, and with it more dates. We go out at least once a week and we spend tons of time together. Achilles is popular, it's not that people don't like but I'm just not as popular as he is, so at school we only see each other from time to time.

And somehow, my feelings for him starts growing and my happiness too. Nothing can take that away from us, I think Briseis realized that too because after trying for about a month to come back with me, she gives up. We still talk though, not like before but we develop some kind of friendship.

And then on a friday night, we make things official. I ask Patroclus to be my boyfriend and he accepts.

We make things official at school, too. We hold hands when we're together and we kiss. Girls get jealous, mostly because I'm dating him but Achilles says there are plenty of girls who are jealous of him because 'he has that cute boy with the brown hair'.

And the prom night is about to come and I realize this: I love Achilles, I love him more than I thought I could. And I want to scream it to the world, I want to tell him I love him, but I'm too afraid to do so.

"I love you." I bluirt out on prom night, just when the last song is playing.

"I love you too." He says and he kisses my cheek. "Sorry, I didn't say it first. I was afraid I would freak you out. I still worry about you loving Briseis."

"Well, I don't anymore. I was also afraid but I'm glad I said it. I love you."

The end.

A/N: Well, here it is. The last chapter. I didn't want to make this a long story, when I first started writing this I was inspired by The Song of Achilles; I loved that book.

I started this story knowing that it would be a short one, because I'm tired of those stories where there are so many problems, I like thinking that there are some couples who have it easy, couples that don't have the whole 'love triangle' situation as many books do (I love those kind of books btw) but I just wanted Patroclus and Achilles to have a simple and cute love story, it's cute for me at least; but overall I wanted Patroclus and Achilles to have a happy ending.

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