1. haunting nightmares

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Violet's POV :

This is not the story parents tell their children before they go to bed. This is not the story of a disney princess who is saved by a prince. This is my story, that of a sad, boring and lonely life.

Here's the part where you ask why would i say such things about my life? Well my dad is an alcohol addict, my mom died 2 months ago and my brother ... disappeared since my mom died.

My family was one of the simple, loving and happy ones. But I guess all good things have an end, right? Family shouldn't have an end, family is that thing that makes your heart warm, that shelters you from bad people, that loves you independently.

(A/N this part is serious but ik everyone's thinking ab Dom Toretto 😭✋🏻)

Before my mother died everything was fine: my father rarely drank, my brother being my brother was not often at home but it was fine, and I went out with my friends and was carefree like all normal nineteen-year-olds. But now there's no one in this house laughing, there's no one disturbing me while i'm sleeping,there's no love, there's nothing anymore. It's as if my mother's death took away our happiness, serenity, our balance.

My thoughts are interrupted by the alarm clock, meaning it's 7am and I have to go to work since it's Friday. I haven't slept for a month now because I have nightmares the few times I do. My nightmares consist of seeing my mother in the hospital bed, not breathing and asking me to save her, but I can't, I can't move, speak, help her. And then I wake up all sweaty with my heart pounding. She died in her sleep, and she does it again every time in my nightmares. Mommy why did you leave? Why are you tormenting me with these nightmares? Don't you love me?
I push everything out of my mind and get out of bed.

The only bright side of my dad's addiction is that he never, ever comes home, I mean I haven't seen him since he started drinking, so I basically live alone. To pay the bills, rent, groceries and more that I need, I work at Shadows which is a club where I work as a waitress with my friend Silvia, her parents are Italian and she always talks to me about how beautiful Italian men are. How to blame her.

I go to the bathroom and wash my face then brush my teeth. I could stop and look at my reflection in the mirror and start complaining about my appearance but I actually like myself, why shouldn't I? I mean the only bad thing are the bags under the eyes from lack of sleep, but otherwise I feel pretty: my natural almost curly hair comes to my shoulders and is dark brown, my nose is pretty to me and then... then there are my eyes. No there is nothing special about those because they are brown but people always compliment me because they are big so everyone thinks they are beautiful, thanks I guess. I am 165 cm tall and I am quite thin. I mean I'm not a model but I like myself and that's the thing that matters.

I head to the kitchen and prepare two French toasts to start the day with a full stomach. After breakfast I go back to my room and put on a pair of mom jeans with a white crop top. I don't wear a lot of make up, I always only wear mascara and concealer to cover my dark circles under the eyes. After putting on my shoes I leave the house and the fresh air welcomes me; it's May so it's not cold here in Los Angeles. I usually walk to work, first I stop at the Cafe and take my cappuccino, then straight to work.

I arrive at Shadows at 8.05 am and I start my shift which lasts until noon, then I go home because my second shift starts at 6 pm. In the morning I do almost nothing because Silvia and I serve in the VIP area and often there are no people . I've been working at Shadows for a month and a half and have never served anyone in this area but maybe I will one day.

In the evening, however, there are many people in the VIP area, but in the evening I do not serve there unless it's Tuesday and Friday. Shit. Today's Friday.
Meaning I have to serve in the VIP area. *Screams internally*.
Don't get me wrong I love my job but there are such annoying people in that area. Ugh ok who cares Violet.

After finishing my first shift and saying goodbye to Silvia I go home. I don't have much to do since I finished school and I didn't go to college because I still don't know whether to
or not. I decided to watch Netflix and after skipping some movies I chose to continue The Vampire Diaries.


It's 5 pm so I get off the couch and get ready to go to Shadows for my second shift. Someone could tell me that I work a lot, well I have to since there is no one here anymore and I have to manage by myself. I leave the house and after two minutes I decide to walk because there would be no space in the parking lot probably since Shadows is very known in LA but I don't know why. Everyone says the owner of the club is a billionaire, but I've never seen him at the club. Or maybe yes, I don't know since I don't know what he's like. I only know his name, Blake Federico Ferreri.


I know, REALLY short chapter but just wait.
So idk it this book will get any cloud at all but it's ok i mean i love to write but it's okay if the others don't want to read.

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