20. final stage: slowly understanding what's really going on

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Violet's POV:

I stare at the note for minutes, before realising I was doing so.

I just. It can't be him. How could he, Blake Federico Ferreri, ever do such a nice thing?

Maybe he asked a maid, yeah that's probably how it went. He asked a maid to get me strawberries with a polite note. The person's writing is also good. That's another reason to why it can't be Blake who wrote this.

Don't stress about it, just eat the strawberries Violet. Wait, what if that asshole gave me poisoned strawberries?

I mean, it could be.

You know what? I'll stop stressing about a bowl of strawberries and just eat them.

I put the note inside my nightstand and eat a few strawberries, before leaving my room.

I'm bored. The meeting is starting in a little, Silvia and I will be there too.

I make my way to the kitchen, I need a glass of water.

As I get in, with my black shorts and grey t-shirt, my eyes widen a little. There are a lot of men seated around the kitchen counter, talking or scrolling through their phones.

That's fine, I don't care. They probably won't even notice me and I really need that glass of water.

I quickly make my way to the shelf where the glasses are kept and grab the water bottle.
I fill the glass with water as I feel a few pairs of eyes staring at me. Not a few, a lot.

As I'm done with the bottle I put it back in place "Don't mind me gentlemen. Mind your business and act as if I'm not even here." I politely speak without looking at them, before drinking.

As I turn around they're all going on with what they were doing, talking or looking at the phone. Good that they listen.

"Do you know where Alex is?" I ask and some of them shake their head no, then one speaks "I think he's in the Boss' office ma'am" I glance at him before giving him a smile "Thank you."

I reach the office and get in, finding a very busy Alessandro. He's writing things in his computer and glancing at some papers he has on the desk.

"Hey beautiful" He says without looking at me.
"Hi pretty boy" I smile before walking to one of the chairs in front of the desk.

"The meeting's starting in like 10 minutes?" I say and he nods "So why are you working here?" I ask and he stops tapping his keyboard, glancing at me.

"Because Mr Asshole - as you like to call him - asked me to do some research on a few people that are going to attend the ball." He says and I nod, smiling because of the way he called Blake.

"I'm done so we can go." He says getting up and closing his laptop, also putting the papers back in place.

I get up too and we walk to the meeting's room.

"Oh I forgot to tell you. You have to sit on the chair that has your name written on it. It's for important meeting's only." He says as we get in, a wave of anxiety flushes through me.

I walk by every chair, looking for my name. I reach the last seats, a chair has written "Jacob Alberto Ferreri and Silvia Celeste Rossi." on it. So Silvia has to sit on Jacob's lap? Well they're dating so, I don't see the problem.

I instead see a problem when the chair at the head of the table, Blake's chair, has his name written on it, and mine too.

"I'm not sitting on his lap. Like hell I'm doing this." I say to Alex, who was already sitting in his seat. He looks up at me and laughs.

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