9. blackout

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Violet's POV:

I knock on Marco's door but don't hear a reply.
After a few seconds I decide to go in and check on him, and as I open the door I'm met with darkness.

I reach for his desk without falling thankfully, and turn on the little lamp that's on it. This way I can see a little bit more his room, without disturbing by turning on the room's lights.

I hear him breathe peacefully as I see his figure laying on the bed, he's sleeping.

Without making a sound I make it to his bed, squatting down and looking at his angelic face.
If all children are like this then I want a child too.

I smile but then I feel a presence looking at me.
The same feeling I had a few times, last week.

I turn around and there he is. Standing at the door frame, leaning against it.

He's pretty hot in that black suit, his tie loosened making me think he finished work for today and is going to bed.

I glance a last time at Marco as I get up from my position, turn off the little light and reach the door.

I gently push Blake off the door frame so I can close the door, without disturbing or waking up Marco.

"Why were you in his room?" he asks, his voice deep and raspy even tho it's not morning.

"Why were you looking?" I ask back, making him poke his tongue on the side of his cheek.
Fucking hot. Okay Violet stop.

We had nothing to say to each other, it's not something new. I hope we solve this crazy-spanish-mafia-leader-situation out so I can go back to my normal life.

I mean I don't want to be involved in the mafia.
People here die every day, they do bad things and get away with it because they corrupt the police too. But it's what they do for a living, I can't say anything to them because it's not my business, or because they'll kill me if I even say a word to them.

"Good night, Mr Ferreri" I glance up at him before leaving, this time he doesn't stop me.
He doesn't say anything.

And it's probably better this way.

I reach my room, suddenly stopping in front of it. The power went off.

I'm not scared of darkness, but I'm in a fucking mafia's mansion and if the power goes out then it's clearly not because of electricity problems.

It's because there are intruders.

I can only hear my breath, and I decide to step into my room and lock myself there.

Every man here has a gun or something to protect himself with, but I don't. So I'll just look for something like glass or I don't know, and wait till everything's perfectly fine.

I don't have anything in my bedroom, so I walk in the room's bathroom, looking for literally anything.

When I see it I grab the mini squared mirror, after bandaging my hand with tissues, so the glass won't cut me.

I walk out of the bathroom and reach my little walk in closet, closing myself in there.

I hope that, if bad people are in this mansion, they won't find me. Because if they do, then I won't be able to protect myself, I haven't fucking trained.

The sound of shootings is making me jump every time I hear a shot. Bullets touching the floor as men continue shooting. Fucking terrible.

I hear the door of the room open and quickly close, footsteps around my room, trying to find me.

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