33. the story of the fucked up little boy

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Alex's POV:

"I've tried everything! He just won't talk." The man that has been torturing me says to who seems to be his Boss.

I can barely make out the figures, but I still know they're here.

"Let him go. If he makes it back home, they will understand the message. If he doesn't, they still will." The Boss speaks and then I hear his footsteps fade away as the other man grabs my chains and unlocks them.

I instantly fall to the ground.

I've been hanging from the ceiling for weeks. My feet barely touched the ground, so that I wouldn't die hanging in the air.

My body curls in a ball against the freezing pavement.

I can't feel my arms. Or the sound of my heart beating. Am I breathing?

The man lowers himself at my level and slightly slaps my face to assure that I'm still awake.

"The door is open when you'll be able to stand up. Don't take too long though, the Boss might change idea and keep you here." He chuckles before walking to the door and opening it.

Light spreads around the room. He doesn't close it.

The pain is everywhere, I can't think of a part of my body where I don't feel the burning ache.

It even hurts to breathe.

Just give me five minutes. I'll be up soon.

I unwillingly close my eyes. I don't know if I'm dead, or just falling asleep.


"Oh, really?" I laugh as I throw a gummy bear towards her. She swerves it and looks at me, smiling proudly.

"Come on! I just said that to piss you off!" She justifies herself and blows me a kiss.

Violet and I are having a snack in the kitchen, in the middle of the night.

She wasn't really sleepy and I have just finished my workout. So here we are, laughing our asses off.

After that there's a moment of silence, but it doesn't feel uncomfortable.

Violet has been my best friend since I first met her.

No one has ever had the place she has in my heart, and no one ever will. Only her.

Perhaps it's because she's an angel, living in a world full of monsters. Perhaps it's because what we have is, has always been and will forever be platonic.

You know, when you have a person that you don't have feelings for, but you just enjoy each other's company so much. It's so peaceful.

"Did you know that you're my best friend?" I casually say, her big brown eyes looking at mine as she smiles.

"Of course, silly. Did you know that you have a piece of my heart?" She playfully winks at me, before sitting on one of the chairs around the isle.

"Don't give it back, though." She says, flashing me a smile.

I won't, Vi.

I sit beside her and she turns her head to me. I can now see a sad look on her angelic face.

"Why that look?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows.

She sighs, then bites her lower lip.

"I'd love five more minutes. It feels like heaven here. But as your best friend, I need you to leave." She says, sitting up from the chair.

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