15. heartbreaking expectations

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Violet's POV:

It's been a bit more than three weeks since I've last seen Blake.

I talked to Jacob and Alex everyday, they never spoke about him. I went out with Silvia and worked with her. And then... I got to know Christian.

Christian is a great guy, he's sweet and smart and actually cares about me, he shows it. He often brings me flowers and compliments me every time he has the chance to. He's making me happy.

And now I'm talking to Silvia, telling her the big news. Not so big but they're still big.

"He asked me to be his girlfriend!" I shout, happiness in my voice. I earn a chuckle from her "Oh dear God! Congratulations! I really hope this will work, Violet. You deserve it" she says and my heart melts.

I've never had a man caring so much about me. I mean yes, I've had boyfriends before, but they weren't like him. None of them did the things he's doing. Do I call this love? Or is it just a distraction? It's too early to call it love, for sure.

After ending the phone call with Silvia, I take a shower.

Hot water running down my body, I shut my eyes and just stay there. I wonder what my mother would say right now.

She would probably make a whole speech about boys being heartbreakers, and I know she'd be right, but they aren't all the same. There are a few exceptions, I hope Christian is one of them.

After I'm all washed up and done, I put on a pot of shorts and a jumper, and reach my lovely living room.

I take the box from the chair and sit on my couch, ready to read a few other letters.

Letter fourth

Hello, if you're reading this then it means I haven't already thrown away my book-box. I call it book-box because inside of it, there's everything I personally wrote.

Even tho I don't know if future me will be reading this: if you actually are, how's life Violet? Did you meet a man who made you feel safe? How's family?

I pause, the last question made my heart break a little. How's family? Well, old Violet, family is broken. It fell apart a while ago. But it's okay, you couldn't know, could you?

Anyways, I need someone to dance with me. I want to dance with the love of my life in a italian club, till 4 am. I also need someone to look at me the way Klaus looks at Caroline, they're so cute. And if you aren't me and you're reading this, and you hate Klaroline, well don't talk to me. Klaroline is my favorite ship.

I'm still wondering if you're holding this letter Violet, if you're reading it for the first time in forever. If you are, I hope that you're doing great.

Bye love.

I'm embarrassing myself by reading these letters, but I had nothing to do, so.

Letter fifth

I've been sick this whole week. It was awful, I'm sparing you the details, but just know it was bad.

My mom always gives me strawberries and blueberries when I'm feeling sick. She came into my room a few minutes ago and gave me a bowl full of them, with a glass of apple juice, too.

I love her. Not because she did this. Because she never failed to be a mother to me. She never made me upset or angry, she always brings a smile on my face and makes sure chuckles come out of my mouth.

Mom, if you ever find this, I'm sorry for being an awful daughter to you. You really deserve so much and I'm trying to become that, I really am. I promise you, I will give you happiness when you need it.

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