Contesting an Adage

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Prompt: Write a poem that starts out with an everyday saying. (ie: the apple doesn't fall far from the tree)

You can't judge a book by its cover

or by the number of pages within

You must handle, explore and taste

the texture of words - feel the pull

of the narrative, before you begin

The cover is the Fuller Brush salesman

the flash that precedes the pitch

The promise that what you find inside

is that slumbering gem of a masterpiece

contained in its own unique niche

But if the salesman is good at the job

he performs, and you're seduced to

do more than just scan, then you can't say

don't judge the book by the cover,

because now and then, sometimes, you can

My Shots at The PoetsPub Achievement Hunter ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now