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Prompt: Write a poem about an unusual insect

Have you ever seen a walking stick?

That six legged Phasmatodea?

You'll never see them if you don't look quick

Needle thin and hard to see

Masters of deception in the ways that they appear

Maybe black, grey or blue, but mostly green or brown

And six legs moving independently; now that is queer

Head, thorax and abdomen with antenna hanging down

They're vegetarians you know; that's an herbivore

Leaves and plants their diet, eating where they hide

Eggs are often laid, sometimes a thousand or more

And males aren't even necessary; something they decide

Three thousand species on every continent on earth

Except of course, the Arctic, they like the warmer climes

And if they get in trouble, of ploys there is no dearth

They can even lose their legs and re-grow them many times

Entomology is not my bag, I'd rather write than look at bugs

But my curiosity was piqued, so I chose to view these critters

Unlike the Monarch butterflies or the dainty Lady Bugs

I found, quite frankly, these walking sticks gave me the jitters!

A/N: T

The line breaks are due to Wattpad's chosen measure

My Shots at The PoetsPub Achievement Hunter ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now