Oh, You!

6 3 5

Prompt: Picture prompt - Blue Girl

Oh, you!

You look, but you don't want to stare at my

coal black eyes and burnt umber hair. Or is

it the colour of my skin, no one you might know

as kin and yet, here we are, sharing space,

everywhere and any place; more alike than we


Oh, you!

Your darting eyes betray discomfort because

it's not something that you've seen before.

To me it's normal, nothing that should disconcert

or point at in wonder, at what you perceive

as a genetic blunder.

Oh, you!

It's an integral part of who I am. We are each

unique, like everyone else, and the world is

all our domicile . . . so while you gaze

upon my face, don't just see me, see yourself too

and I can relax beneath that smile.

Oh, you . . . I'm blushing blue!

My Shots at The PoetsPub Achievement Hunter ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now