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After I was done arranging my cupboard, it was already twelve. I wanted to look around the house, so I opened the door and went out.

I was looking around. Surely this house was a maze. It was really huge and there were many steps. Before I could take a another step, I bumped into something hard and wanted to fall in the ground but a hand encircled my small waist and pulled me closer. I opened my eyes to see who it was and to my surprise it was Liam.

"You like to break your legs?"


"You want to be like this forever?"


"Then leave my shirt princess"

I realized I had been touching his shirt for a while and I quickly took my hands away.

"I-m sor-ry I didn't know"

"What are you doing out? I think I told you where your room is?"

"I wanted to find the kitchen"

"It's the first one when you get down"


"And the cook will not be here for a month. I can buy food. Figure out what you will be doing"


With that he just turned and left. I quickly went down. I finally found the kitchen which was really huge. It was beautifully arranged and I loved how clean it was. The refrigerator was really big and there was nothing inside it. Only an apple and some peanuts.

I thought of going to a grocery store to buy something because the kitchen was empty and I was also really bored to stay inside this  big house alone.

I took the umbrella and wanted to open the door but I was in a deep confusion whether I should tell Liam where I'm going to or just go out. I decided not to inform him because it's not like he cared about me anyways.

I went to the store and bought a couple of things for the kitchen and filled another bag with my favorite chocolate. I slowly carried and made my to Liam's house. I took an Uber because the bags were really huge and heavy.

I came back and got inside. It was dark and no one was inside. I hope Liam was up in his room. I arranged all the things in the kitchen and filled a part of refrigerator with my chocolates.

I was tired. So I made a lemonade. I sat on the table and starting having it. I heard light footsteps coming down the steps. I know it was Liam. I just focused on the lemonade.

"Care to explain where were you?"

"I think you said you don't care about where I go unless I spoil your awesome name?"

"Yes, you are right. But you are my responsibility. I don't want my father to grab the company from me because of you bitch"

I just ignored how hurtful the words were. He opened the refrigerator and his mouth opened wide.

"What the hell is this?"

"Can't you see? It's chocolates"

"I know it is, but why is this in MY REFRIGERATOR?"

He emphasized the word my refrigerator and his face was in pure anger and disgust. I was scared because he started walking towards me.

"Um-it was empty so I thought of..."

"Thought of what?"

With that I knocked on a wall and he came closer to me. Our lips were an inch apart. I was blushing and nervous at the same time.

"I wanted to arrange it"

"Arrange my refrigerator, who gave you the permission to?"


"I don't deserve your stupid apologies now, I'll give you five minutes to clean up"

He turned and started to walk away.

"What do you mean by clean up?"

"Throw all those out of my refrigerator now"

"It's a waste Liam"

He turned to face me now.

"And do you think I care about it?"

"You can have them too"


He shouted and I automatically stood up and made my way to the refrigerator. I was scared.

After a minute or two I took all the things to my room. I didn't want to throw away all those things because I bought it with my own money.

I decided to watch something in YouTube because it was boring and to light up my mood. I was feeling unwanted. Why does he behave like this? Why? I know we both were forced into this marriage but at least he can behave like a gentleman until we drift apart. Such a devil.

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