Chapter Twenty-Two

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In which Bam's series of events get unfortunate.

Bam's POV

Count on Bam's luck to be the one out of the four friends who didn't get to greet Khun when he woke up. He wanted to pout and cry about it, but, when it came to logic, Bam was the one who should've been in this position in the first place. The other three knew Khun for much longer than he did, and he really hadn't been stressing over Khun as much as the others had been. He'd been spending so much time with Michael lately.

Just then, his phone started ringing. Michael. Since he was still in the car with his friends, he decided to decline and texted him to tell him he couldn't call at the moment.

The two just texted back and forth, making plans to chill at Bam's home for the evening.

"Texting your boyfriend?" Hatz said both quietly and snarkily. Both Isu and Endorsi picked up on his words, as per Hatz's plan.

"Boyfriend?" Endorsi asked.

"Did you two become official?" Isu grinned.

Bam just nodded, ever so slightly avoiding yelling at Hatz for not minding his own business. "Yeah. Monday."

"Yo!" Isu laughed. "Congrats, man!"

Endorsi also smiled encouragingly, but Bam saw the hesitance behind both of their reactions. He didn't expect them to take the news super well, and he appreciated their attempt at being supportive.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Isu dropped Bam off at his house. He sighed, thankful to be out of the tense atmosphere, but then immediately felt guilty for feeling that way about his friends. He shook off the overthinking by straightening up the house. It wasn't too messy, but he still wanted it to look nice for Michael. Plus, his dad would be home in about a week.

The second he heard a knock on his door, Bam quickly ran to it and swung it open, welcoming his boyfriend, who held him in a bear hug.

"Why couldn't you call this morning?" He pouted. Bam couldn't help but love how his bottom lip curved that way. "I missed your voice."

"Sorry, babe, I went to the hospital to visit Khun."

"You could've gone with me!" Michael cried. When he saw Bam look down in regret, he hugged him again. "Shh, I'm sorry. I was just joking, babe."

Bam grinned, looked up at Michael, and kissed him on the lips.

Michael smiled down at him. God, Bam loved those eyes.

The pair took no time in finding their way to the couch, where a heavy make out session started to break out.

But, as per usual, Bam stopped Michael from getting his hands under his shirt.

Michael seemed disappointed, but he respected Bam's wishes. He always did. Bam loved that about Michael. Bam loved Michael.

The two cuddled non-explicitly for a couple hours after Bam put in a random movie to watch. He loved nights like these: in his favorite place, on his favorite couch, with his favorite person, doing one of his favorite things. After the movie ended, the two went out for dinner, and Michael dropped Bam off at home before returning back to his own home.

Bam wished they could spend more time together, but, sometimes, they needed some time apart like this to avoid taking things too far.


That Sunday, Michael was out of town for a theatre competition. The day was both slow and lonely, but, wanting to give his friends time to take the news he knew they wouldn't take well, Bam stayed away from Isu and the others as well.

He sent a text to Khun that didn't get a reply. Bam sighed. He really didn't have any other friends. He didn't have anything to do. So he ate, went for a stroll around the neighborhood, ate some more, and slept.


Monday came around, and Michael picked Bam up for his 8:00 AM supplementary class. The class was kind and boring, but Bam was determined to do well so he wouldn't have to retake the class a second time.


Tuesday. Tuesday, December 21st, was the day everything went downhill.

Michael, as he promised, took Bam to his class, which happened to be at 3:00 PM that day. The class finished promptly at 4:45 PM, and Bam left class to see his boyfriend, right on time.

"Some people are retaking midterms and other classes today," he explained, taking Bam's hand in his. "So the parking lot was full. I'm in the back, past the two buildings there. Here, I got you a drink."

Bam took a sip. It was the most refreshing hot chocolate he had ever had! Extra hints of rich chocolate and cream, and the fluffiest whipped cream to top it.

"Mmm. . ." He hummed.

Michael just laughed and led him between the two buildings to the car. Before they got to the other end, Bam started to feel dizzy.

"Hmph," he groaned, holding his head. The world seemed to blur and spin around him. "Babe. . . My head hurts."

Michael only stopped and held his boyfriend against a brick wall, kissing him fiercely.

And it felt good.

Bam kissed back, his bottom lip sloppily falling open, giving Michael the chance to stick his tongue in. Bam wanted more. More.

Michael's hand snuck down to Bam's pants, where he had quite the obvious bulge starting to form.

"Ngh, Michael. . ." Bam grunted.

"You like it, don't you?" Michael whispered in his ear. "You always say no, but it feels so good, doesn't it?"

God, yes. It felt so good. Bam wanted more. He didn't have the self-control to stop Michael right now. His head ached like crazy, but his senses were starting to get overloaded. Where were they? Was it private enough? If they had the appropriate privacy, maybe Bam wouldn't mind. . .

"Michael," Bam heard a voice call. Where was it coming from? Whose voice was that? Why did it seem so familiar. . .? "You consistently meet my expectations," it reprimanded. "Taking advantage of Bam like this. My, my."

Suddenly, the hands that once warmed Bam in the cold, winter air disappeared as he heard a loud thud and a groan.

"Michael. . .?" Bam asked weakly.

"Don't worry about him," the voice said. "I have the police on their way to pick him up."

Bam tried to open his eyes, but, every time he tried, his head spun faster and faster.

"What a lousy rat," the voice chuckled. The person before him hung a large, Sherpa jacket around Bam's shoulders and helped his slip his arms through. "What kind of person spikes their own boyfriend's drink because he couldn't get laid?"


Bam lost track of the order of events. He was in a bed. No, first, he had been in a car. Heated seats. Silence. Warm blanket. Voices. What came first? What was going on? He felt like the world around him was going to collapse. Maybe he did collapse. Who was tucking him into his bed? No, not his bed. A different bed.

"Ngh. . ." He groaned, waking up from a nap that lasted. . . He didn't even know how long he had been asleep. He sat up slowly, careful not to mess up his head even more, and scanned his surroundings. A familiar room. In Khun's house. . .?

He looked to the rug that lay beside the four-poster bed and saw a familiar blue-haired boy curled up under a thin blanket.

"Khun. . .?"

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