Chapter One: Score!

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                                   Y/n POV
                    *Beep beep beep beep*
"Oh, shut up you freaking alarm" I yelled as I got up "why the hell are you even going off?" Then I remembered I had an earlier lesson today.

I know you probably think I'm crazy for talking to my alarm but living alone for the past two years can make you start talking to stuff that aren't alive.

As I turned my alarm off, I put on Idol to get me going for the day. I love putting on music whenever I have the chance cuz it gets me ready to deal with what humans call life. I do it so much that my family says I live in a musical.

If only life was that generous.

I ended up putting on a comfy outfit being that it was so early

And put on my favorite lip gloss and necklace

And heading out the door with my bag and headphones

Traveling in New York is a pain in the ass especially when you have somewhere to be at a certain time. That's why I have my licenses but not a car being that public transportation and walking is slightly earlier to handle (author's note: I've never been to New York, but this is what I would imagine traffic would be like 😅)

After 20 minutes of walking, I finally arrive at my college heading straight to my class after putting my headphones into my bag.

"Y/n! Y/n!" I stop right outside my class as I hear my name being called "Y/n L/n!" I know he didn't just call my full government. "Why the hell are you calling my full name in public" I said as I smacked my best friend Jackson in the back of his head "because your deaf ass didn't hear me the first ten times, I called you!" He responded as he rubs his head.

Me and Jackson have been best friends since his family moved from China when he was in the 5th grade, and I was in 4th. He has always been there for me especially after we started college. Jackson and I are so close that our family have basically blended and since our family speaks different languages, we all taught each other the languages that we spoke fluently. Since I'm half Brazilian and Canadian my family taught Portuguese, English and French and Jackson's family taught Chinese.

Jackson is majoring in Fashion as well so he can start his own fashion company and he says I'm going to be his executive designer because I'm the only one that he trusts which I'm okay with since I would love to work with my best friend.

As we entered the room for our lecture we sat at the back and started talking in Chinese so no one would know what we're talking about (author's note until further notice words will be in Chinese and bolded words will be English)

"So, reminded me why we are taking this early ass class while I could've been getting my beauty sleep" Jackson ask

"Because it will give us the rest of the day to try and get the best seats at the BTS concert that's coming up as a birthday present for me" I replied as I rolled my eyes at him being dramatic

I can't believe that BTS is having a concert the same week as my birthday how lucky is that!

Jackson is the only friend I've had that hasn't judged my love for Bts which I have been a fan of since 2015 when they won an award at 'the show' a south Korean music program for 'I need you' (author's note I believe this is what the show is called please let me know if it's called something else😊)

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