Chapter Twenty-Three: Panic

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Previously on we were only seven

Taking each others hand we walked back to the apartment not caring how we looked to everyone else.

"You know Jin's gonna kill us, right" I asked Tae

"Yeah, I know" He replied sighing

Giggling I could already hear Jin yelling even before we opened the door.

"Yah are you two out of your minds?!"

Yep this is going to be a long day

(la la la la la I have War of hormone stuck in head send help)

Today is my first day back to school and I have to say I'm kind of nervous. The boys had spent an hour before we left making sure that I knew that all I had to was to call them if anything went wrong. Or if I wasn't feeling good or anything at all, even to say hi then hang up.

So you can imagine how hard it was for their mangers to get them to actually leave the campus grounds after I had gotten out of the car.

After I had met with the headmaster I went to my first class of the day. I had four classes I needed to take before I could graduated this year.

Okay I can do this, Just breath  I thought as I found a seat

 You'll do great, my love  I heard Jungkook said 

Thanks JK I replied thankful for the support

JK we are not supposed to by messing with Y/n leave her alone

Hey what are you guys during we are supposed to be working 

Well tell JK that

If you all don't leave Y/n alone I'm going to get my pink slipper

Seeing that my soulmates was busy arguing I was able to close the door to my mind without them noticing. 

Time skip

After classes had ended I had a interview with Big Hit for a internship. Until I get my diploma I would have to wait to start working full time. That is if I could get the internship, I didn't want the boys to help me get the job I wanted to get it on my own and they didn't take that all to well....

At first that is, what I want is what I get. Even if that means I have to "borrow" Jin's pink slippers to get it.

"Okay this is the room go in and rock, my hope" Jhope said 

"You got this, love" Jungkook said 

"I know you will get this job, my winter bear" Tae said hugging me

"Make us proud, Sweetie" Namjoon said with his dimple smile

"You'll do great, Angel" Jimin said sweetly

"I know you can do this, but if they are dumb and don't hire you just tell them that World Wide Handsome will come after them Princess" Jin said making me laugh even tho I knew he wasn't kidding

"Good luck" Suga said ignoring what Jin said

Author's POV

While Y/n had gone in the boys was waiting outside. They refused to work knowing that Y/n was in the interview.  

"What do you think they are asking her" Jungkook said

"Questions obviously" Suga said laying on the ground with his eyes closed.

"Well I hope they aren't going through her head" Tae said 


"What?" Rm said lending on the wall

"You mean like aliens" said Jimin interested in what Tae was talking about

"Yeah what if they are brainwashing her" Tae said making the others confused and slightly scared 

"Don't talk non sense" Jin said not wanting to seem scared 

"Yeah they are just interviewing Y/n for the internship until she can get her diploma, then she can work full time here, with us, so we can keep an eye on her and to also make sure she's safe." Jhope said trying to convince everyone... including himself.

"Right" Jungkook said wanting to trust his soulmates and band members.

30 minutes later (if y'all watched spongebob then I know you read that in the narrative's voice)

The boys were starting to get antsy wanting to not only see their soulmate but to make the images of aliens going through her mind go away as well.

Just as Jin couldn't take it anymore and was about to start his famous rant the door opened and out walked Y/n and the interviewers, in human form I might add.

"Thank you so much for coming Y/n" interviewer no. 1 said 

"No thank you" Y/n said bowing

As the interviewers went away the boys immediately started looking over Y/n seeing if she had all body parts and asking if she knew them to make sure her memory was still intact.

Very confused about what was happing Y/n wanted to ask what happened, but decided against it she just did what they asked seeing how worried they were.

Y/n's POV

(Baby, when they look up at the sky we'll be shootin' stars just passin' by you'll be comin' home with me tonight we'll be burnin' up like neon lights~ sorry I all of a sudden started sing that)

After I had told the boys what had happen they seemed...relived?

I didn't know why, but I also got the internship!

So to celebrate we decided to enjoy a picnic at a park.

As we were all talking I started to feel like someone was watching us... watching me 

Looking around I didn't see anyone or anything out of the ordinary.

So dismissing it as I wasn't feeling good or my cycle coming up I turned back to my beloved soulmates.

But something doesn't feel right tho  I thought as I still felt like I was being watched

Is everything alright Princess?  Jin said being that his power was to feel was his soulmates felt it made sense he asked

I don't know I feel like I'm being watc-  then I saw someone I hoped I would never see again

"No no no no no no no no no" I said getting up and running away from the others

"Wait Y/n!"


"Come back, Y/n!"

"Where is she going?!"

"What happened?"

"Wow! she can run tho" 

"Not now Tae"

As the boys ran after Y/n forgetting the picnic and the food (I mean who in their right mind forgets food, but anyway back to the story) they tried to figure out what spooked her so badly only if they knew the whole story.

And that is it for this chapter I hoped you liked it.

We are coming close to finishing the book I can't believe it T-T

But don't worry I have ideas for other books

Ones I haven't seen before and I'm pretty sure or hope y'all haven't seen before

And some you all should recognize

But still this is my first book T-T 

It's my precious baby T-T 

I hope you all have liked it so far

You are the cause euphoria <3

Bye, My loves <3

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