Chapter four: What the hell!

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Previously on we were only seven

I can't believe tomorrow is my birthday and I'm going to the BTS concert the same day what lucky do I have to finally go  I thought as I did my night routine and heading to bed

But is it really luck tho

The next day brought to you by Jiminie pabo

( Just a reminder the dialogue is still in Portuguese and bolded words are in English)

Getting up I immediately turn on BTS' 'Brand new day' since it's my first day as a 21 year old as sung along to the song I went to take a shower coming out I saw something that I wished I could erase

Getting up I immediately turn on BTS' 'Brand new day' since it's my first day as a 21 year old as sung along to the song I went to take a shower coming out I saw something that I wished I could erase

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I. Have. A. Soulmate. Tattoo.

Immediately as I saw it I could hear multiple voices in my head.

Oh no no no no this can't be happening I think trying not to panic."Sweetie are you up it's time for breakfast" I heard my papa calling "uh j-just a minute I'm getting dressed" I yell back.

As soon as I'm sure he left I put on clothes that cover the tattoo.

Trying not to concentrate on the multiple voices in my head I head to the dinning room for breakfast

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Trying not to concentrate on the multiple voices in my head I head to the dinning room for breakfast.

"Morning everyone" I say when I reach the room

"Morning birthday girl" everyone responds

"happy birthday my dear sister" Gigi says in a sing song voice

"Thanks sis" I say trying to seem as upbeat as I could

"Soooo did you see anything, hear anything" Zara asks excited to find out what my soulmate tattoo looks like

"Oh uh I didn't see anything and I don't hear anything either" I say trying to sound sad while knowing full well I can hear the loud ass voices in my head.

"Oh it must haven't shown up yet, my mom says trying to reassure me, don't worry it will"

"Anyway when does the concert starts" Daniel asks while yawning

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