First day of school

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*Beep* *Beep*
I opened my left eye to look at the time. "Omo!, 7:30 already" where is V and why didn't he wake me up. I quickly got out of bed and put my clothes on. I brushed my teeth. I ran out of the room when I saw V in the kitchen eating and a plate there for me.

"Morning Kookie. Come and eat, we don't have much time." I hurried next to him and started eating. We started to talk about life and what we want from the future. V is so funny when he is talking with his expressions.

"We have to go now it's 10 to 8 already." He said. He grabbed my hand and lead the way. When we reached the school I got my schedule for this period. There were three classes that were marked differently with colors.

"V, what are these?" He smiled and said " those are dance line, vocal line and rap line. you can try each of them once, then you can choose which one you want to focus on. You can of course pic two of them. Many people do that." I definitely want in vocal line but I like dance. "V, which one did you choose?"
"I chose vocal, but I go to the dance practice sometimes because my friends are there."

I'm glad V is technically in both, so I don't have to be alone. Anyways my first class is math, unfortunately V is not with me, he has PE. He showed me my class and left for his own. I was so nervous. The door was open and all the students were in. I calmed my breathing and went it. Everyone turned their gaze at me. "Hello. I assume you're the new student." The teacher said. "Yes I am. My name is Jeon Jungkook." I said politely and bowed. "Alright you can sit next to Jimin. Jimin please wave your so that Jungkook can see you." Jimin then lazily waved his hand and I sat next to him. He stared at me weirdly before smiling a little. I felt uneasy and my cheeks heating. What is wrong with me I thought. I'm probably just getting ill or something.

"How long have you been here?" He suddenly asked bringing me back from my thoughts. He looked straight into my eyes. "I-I umm... T-Today is my first d-day." Seriously what is wrong with me. I can't even make proper sentences. He smiles again. Omg he looks so good when he smiles. What am I talking about? Focus Jungkook.

"Okay well I'm sure you will make new friends around here." After he said that the bell rang. Omg how long did we talk. I mean I love talking... What no LIKE talking to him, but I am a good student. I need focus. I got up walked out of the class and saw V coming.

"Hey Kookie" he said putting his arm around my shoulders. Jimin came behind me and looked at us. "You guys know each other already?" He asked V. "Yeah he is my roomate." V replied "Oh okay I better get going. I'll see you at the dance class later." Jimin said. I just stood there looking at both of them. "Okay see you there. Kookie will be there too." V said and Jimin nodded and disappeared in to the sea of people.


As I was looking for Hoseok all I could think of was kookie, what cute nickname hehe. I don't why, but I couldn't help it. He was so cute. Geez what am I talking about, I just met him today. When I found Hoseok we walked together to the chemistry class.


Me and Kookie were talking about random things on front of the lockers when I saw from the corner of my eye Suga and Namjon coming this way. I quickly grabbed Kookie's arm and dragged him away from there. He looked at me with confusion written on his face. "We are going to be late from class" I lied. I knew that if they had seen Kookie, something would have happened. We had chemistry and the teacher is always early.


When we entered the class I saw Jimin and some other guy sitting next to each other another side of class. My heart was beating fast when he looked at me and smiled. Me and V sat at the front row and the class went by fast me starring at Jimin when he wasn't looking.
***Lunch break***

Jimin and the other guy which name was Hoseok or something like that came to sit with us in the cafeteria and they were really funny I was laughing the whole time. Suddenly they all froze and looked behind me. I slowly turned around and saw two scary looking guys. Dressed in all black. The blond haired one came close to me and lift my chin up making me face him. I felt like I couldn't breathe. He then asked Jimin and the others what I was doing with them. "We are eating" V replied first. The guys started laughing. Then blond grabbed my plate and the other grabbed my juice. I was shaking now. They poured the food on to my body. Everyone in the cafeteria burst into laughter except Jimin, Hoseok and V. Tears escaped my eyes. I got up run to the dorm. I locked myself into the bathroom and cried like a baby.


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