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That Friday morning I got dressed anxiously, my nerves not even subsiding as I stepped off my bike onto the lot. Usually riding helps me calm down.

"You wanna bartend tonight with the prospect?" Gemma asked.

"Yeah, why not," I said. "Gotta head home to change between work and the party though."

She agreed and filled me in on the few things she needed done today. Kip and I got everything done before lunch and since we were not on Repo duty, Gemma told us we could leave early.

"There anything that needs cleaned or organized or anything?" I asked. I didn't really want to be along that much today.

"I have to go shopping for the party tonight. Want to come with me?" She asked.

I nodded and she smiled as she left Kip in the office so we could head out.

"You usually jump at the opportunity to get out of here early," Gemma said as she drove. It wasn't an accusation, just an observation. It made me nervous just the same though. I hadn't mentioned my time in county back home to anyone here, and I definitely hadn't discussed the whos and what's that led to it.

"Guess I don't really want to spend another Friday night drinking wine and watching 80s movies," I said. It wasn't a lie, but it also wasn't the full truth. I'd love to be headed home to get wine drunk and watch Back to the Future.

"That what you did before you moved out here?"

"Sometimes. Went out on occasion. I really enjoying clubbing more for the dancing than the drinking though," I explained. I knew one word answers wouldn't fly with Gemma.

She just nodded before changing the subject. "So Happy?"

"Here in Charming?" I asked unsure of what she meant. "I mean yeah, life's great."

"No," she chuckled a little. "You and Happy. What's going on?"

"Nothing," I said.

"He doesn't talk to just anybody," she said. We'd spoke a few more times throughout the week and once when we were in the middle of shooting our mouths off at one another, he cracked a smile. He almost wavered in his always stoic facade. He was able to regain his composure quickly and made a sexual comment I couldn't top.

"Yeah, I know. Kip asked me about it too," I said. "He just took a liking to me I guess."

"Nick, that man hasn't just liked something ever in his life," she said.

She pulled her Cadillac into the lot and parked it as I chuckled at her.

"I don't know," I said, and for the first time all day, I felt I was being honest.

Gemma and I walked through the store and talked a little more. It was mainly small talk. She told me a little more about Jax and his newborn son Abel who was in the NICU currently. She also warned me about the fact that tonight's party was going to consist of many, many fights among the brothers. I told her not to worry about it because I'd stick behind the bar where I'd be safe.

"Oh yeah and worse comes to worse the Prospect will protect you," she said.

"Kip's a good guy," I said.

"A good guy who follows you like a lost puppy most days," she said. "Might just risk his patch for ya."

I rolled my eyes at that. There was no way that Kip would give up his chance at the MC for me.

"I see the way he looks at you baby. If things with Happy don't work out, try things with Kip."

"Gemma, there's nothing going on with either of them."

She didn't believe me but had to drop the subject so she could pay and we could return to the lot.

The Grease Monkey || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now