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I stood awkwardly at the end of the table opposite Jax. To say I was anxious would've been an understatement. Even shoving my hands in my pockets and rocking back and forth on the balls of my feet couldn't stop the shaking of my body.

"Happy volunteered to handle this. He'll explain everything. If you want to go with him, you're more than welcome but again that's between the two of you," Jax said. "Tig will ride out with you. The rest of us are gonna stay here and party. If anyone asks all three of you were at this party all night."

I only nodded in response.

"One last thing, Nick, you're one of us. You have a problem with anyone at all from here on out, even just some guy creeping you out in the grocery store, you let one of us know. We'll handle it. Welcome to the family," Jax said. Everyone started cheering as a smile tugged at my lips. Jax picked up a gavel and hit the table with it. Each and every one of the guys stopped to give me a hug on the way out the door.

Happy was the last to hug me. He pulled me into his arms and held me for a second before leading me out of the room and down the hall.

"This is my dorm. You're allowed in here. You ever need somewhere to crash after a party or if you just need a break from TM, come here," Happy explained as he unlocked a door and pushed it open. The SA on the door made it stand out from the others, which I was thankful for.

I didn't expect for the room to be spotless. The desk was perfectly organized with his sketchbooks and pencils. He had a calendar there too. The walls had some Harley posters. A few pictures graced the bedside tables.

"That door is the bathroom, and in a couple days we can move some of your clothes into one of the drawers here in case you need em," Happy said. I nodded a little.

"Sounds good to me," I said.

He sat down on the edge of the perfectly made bed and patted the space next to him.

"We agreed to total honesty," he said, earning a nod from me. "Well, I'm the clubs personal Killer. I handle our problems and make them disappear. Every smiley face tattoo on my body is-."

"Yeah," I said. "I get it."

He just nodded and swallowed. "That's what we have to do with her. The club agreed you could go with me if that would help you get closure but you need to understand she will feel every ounce of pain she has put you through."

I nodded a little as it sank in that not only was my boyfriend a serial killer, he was also going to torture her and kill her.

"You okay?"

I nodded again and swallowed. "Weirdly, yeah."

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't know," I said. "Can I go with you and if it gets to be too much step out?"

"Yeah, of course," he said. "You good with riding bitch?"

I smiled at his wording and leaned into his shoulder some. "Only with you."

"You better not being riding bitch with no one else. You're mine little girl. It took me a while to buckle down and ask but you ain't going no where," he said.

"No where else I'd rather be," I said. He leaned down and kissed the top of my head.

"We have to go," he said and took my hand, leading me out to his bike. I got on behind him and before long we were pulling off the TM lot with Tig riding at our side.

The Grease Monkey || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now