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"What does being an old lady even mean?" I asked.

"Um it gets you a little further with other charters. Means you're mine so none of the brothers will try anything with ya. Basically means I'm totally committed to you and you're committed to me and the club. So you'd have to help out with anything Gemma needs for parties or lockdowns, stuff like that. A lot of the guys try to use it to make their women submissive to them. All I ask is that you trust me. If I think you're in danger, I'll bring you here and you're to listen to me and whatever brothers I trust your protection to," he said.

I smiled at him as I grabbed my outfit for the funeral from my bag. "That's the most words I think you've ever said in succession."

"You're not putting up a fight," he observed.

"Why would I? I care about you a lot and I want to be all in in a relationship with you. Club and all," I said.

"It also means you'd wear my crow," he said.


"All of the old ladies get a crow tattoo that has something to represent their old man," he said. "I usually do them."

"So you'd do my first tattoo and it would be your crow?"

He nodded and I ran over to him and jumped into his arms.

"Excited much?"

"I love you Hap," I said. "You don't-."

"I love you too Nick," he said. He kissed me deeply before setting me back on my feet.

"Get ready," he said. I nodded and started to get ready for the funeral. As I curled my hair I could hear him talking to someone but I wasn't sure who.

I finished my hair and started on my makeup when Happy walked into the bathroom.

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Just work," I said.

"I'll get Gem to give you the day off. We're going somewhere," he said.

"Do I get to know where?"

"When we get there," he said. I rolled my eyes but finished up getting ready.

I got done with just enough time to ride with Happy. I had to keep in mind his stitches but he seemed to not be in any pain from them.

"Can we take your car tomorrow?" He asked softly as he took his helmet off.

I nodded as I looked him over. "Yeah of course. You okay?"

"Yeah just it's gonna be a few hours in the car and I'd rather not do that on a bike tomorrow," he said. I nodded and he took my hand, leading me into the wake. I smiled as my eyes watered. Seeing Kip's army photos next to his MC full patch made me feel like a proud big sister. His parents were standing near by sobbing as they grieved for their son.

I said my goodbyes and tried to steer clear of most of the people. A few of the army guys in attendance were eyeing me up and down so I never left Happy's side. He talked to a few guys from other charters and kept introducing me as his old lady, which made me smile a lot.

When the service was over, everyone headed outside to get ready to leave. It was mainly just the MC left by this point and the Redwood guys were inviting the other charters back for dinner. Gemma had already headed back to the clubhouse to get things set up.

"I'm gonna go talk to Lee quick," Happy said and I nodded as he walked away.

"So old lady huh?" Kozik asked.

"Gues-." My words were cut off by gunshots and me being tackled to the ground.

The Grease Monkey || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now