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"A little over three years ago I was out at a bar and I met this girl, who is now under the hopefully watchful eye of Kip," I said. "We exchanged numbers and starting texting a lot. Really hit it off. A few months in she wanted to be more than friends and explained to her very clearly that I was not interested in her in that way. It died down and we stayed friends, even moved in together. Things were good until I reconnected with a college friend. That's when she spiraled. She became very possessive and controlling. She was abusive and threatened to kill me and destroy the evidence if I hung out with other people."

I paused and glanced around the room. All eyes were trained on me. Happy's eyes were the only ones I care about. He looked worried but gave me a reassuring nod and I continued.

"Six months before I moved here we got into a fight. She's from a wealthier family so she got to press charges and I was thrown in jail. Did a few months in the county correctional facility. When I got out I knew I needed out of there. I went home and packed my shit. Left the next morning with just what I could fit in my car. Left my bike with the college friend and headed west. I knew Charming was small enough she wouldn't ever find it unless Aubrey sold me out and I doubted that would happen. I thought everything would be fine."

My eyes were watering at this point. Happy pushed his chair out from the table and walked over to me. "You're safe now." His voice was weirdly soft. "We need the whole truth though little girl."

I nodded before continuing. "Everything was fine until the other morning. My phone rang and I figured it was Gemma needing an early morning repo or something so I answered it. All she said was like 'where the hell are you' or something and I hung up. Had Juice trace the number and block it. She was still in Washington, Indiana then. And then today, I was driving home when I rounded the corner and almost hit her. She pulled her gun on me and I stalled trying to find a way out. Til I heard the bikes. Then I tried to disarm her and the gun fell. Happy and Juice pulled up, told Sack to bring the van to pick her up."

"Well, stalker ex friend is a new one," Jax said with a smirk.

Happy growled and the newly appointed President genuinely looked scared.

"Do you fear for your life?" Jax asked, looking at me.

"Um, less with y'all around me, but yes," I said. "She is fully capable of killing me and making it look like an accident."

Jax nodded and Happy took my hand in his, squeezing it lightly.

"You're safe now," he repeated. "We'll handle this. I'm not loosing you so soon." I just nodded and smiled a little.

"Nick, give us a minute alone please. Stay at the bar," Jax spoke. I nodded and walked out, shutting the doors behind me. I sat down at the bar and laid my head against the cool wood.

"Need anything, baby?" Gemma asked.

"Some water would be great," I mumbled. She got me a glass and walked around the bar, rubbing my back comfortingly.

"They'll protect ya baby."

"I know Gem," I said. "Just been a long day."

"So I heard," she said. "It'll get better baby. Lean into the life and it'll take care of ya."

She pulled me into a hug. I cried softly into her shoulder for a minute as she held me.

"Nick," Happy's voice carried from the doors of the chapel.

"You've got this baby," Gemma said. I just nodded and walked slowly across the bar, taking deep breaths to steady myself.

The Grease Monkey || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now