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"What's going on?" I asked as Happy and I sat down in his dorm.

"Deal with the Mayans went south. Pissed off AB."

I shifted a little so I was facing him. We were silent for a second. There had to be more he wasn't telling me.

"AB threatened a couple of the Old Ladies."

I took a deep breath, waiting for names. Gemma and I should be at the top of that list.


"Gem, you, Ly," he said. I nodded and leaned into his shoulder. His hand brushed through my hair as we sat for a while longer in silence.

"Gem told me about Phil and Miles," I said. "I know Phil was one of yours."

"Loved that kid," he said. "Woulda been real good for the club."

I nodded a little. Phil was great. If I had to have a tail it was usually him and he was always happy and polite.

"You holdin up?" I asked softly.

He just nodded. I knew he probably wasn't but that he wouldn't talk to me about it either.

"Hap, I love you," I said.

He leaned over and kissed me gently. The kiss conveyed the words he couldn't speak right now.

"Are you in for the night?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Got a fight with AB. Our ten best and theirs."

"Be careful," I said. "I'll be here to patch you up when you're back."

"Tacoma's gonna be here soon. We're taking Koz. And Lee in place of Tig."

"Then I'll patch Koz up too," I said. "I love you Hap. Can't bail on me this close to the wedding."

"Wouldn't dream of it little girl," he said. He stood up and held his hand out to me. A silent plea for me to take it and follow him.

When we got to the main room, Tacoma was just showing up.

"How was the ride?" Hap asked as Koz and another walked over to us.

"Was okay," Koz said. "How are you two?"

"Good," I said with a small smile.

"Gotta get through and get hitched," Happy said, kissing my temple. I smiled at his actions and Koz chuckled at us.

"Lee, this is my old lady, Nick. Nick, Lee," Happy said by way of introducing the SAMTAC President and I.

"Nice to meet ya. Heard a lot about you. Koz didn't do your looks justice," he said.

I blushed slightly at the compliment. "Thanks."

Happy's grip on my hip tightened and I laughed softly. "Easy Killa."

"You're mine," he mumbled before kissing my temple. I just nodded in agreement.

"You guys hungry?" I asked, suddenly remembering that I'm an old lady and that's what im supposed to do.

"We ate on the road. Thanks though doll," Kozik said.

I nodded a little. "Be careful, yeah?"

"Always am baby," he said, clearly pushing his best friends limits on what he could get away with saying.

"Killa, save that rage for AB, yeah?" I whispered to him. He tensed but nodded once so I knew he heard me.

"Quinn on guard duty?" I asked as the man made himself at home in front of the security cameras.

"Yeah," Hap said. "That means you listen to him."

"I know the drill."

We fell silent for a bit before the guys were getting ready to head out. I kissed Happy one more time.

"Be safe."

"I'll be back before you're up."

"I'll be up with the first aid kit ready," I said. He nodded and pressed his lips to mine one last time before he pulled himself away and the guys headed out for the fight.

Once they were gone, I sat down next to Quinn.

"Anything I can get for ya?" I asked softly.

"Coffee would be great Nick," he said. I nodded and ran to the kitchen to grab it.

"Quinn, will you shoot straight with me?" I asked as I sat the mug down.

He just looked at it for a solid thirty seconds as if contemplating.

"On what topic?"

"Do we survive this?"

He blew on the coffee slightly before taking a sip. I glanced up at the TVs and realized the silence in the room was deafening.

"I don't know."

The Grease Monkey || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now