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Aizawa Shota was a grumpy man. He hated school, especially teaching the incompetent children. To solve it, he always expelled them.

But today, he was the grumpiest of grumpy, as he hadn't even had a caffeine shot before dealing with the impudent creatures. Not to mention, he even had to sort out a fire immediately afterward.

The fire was like none other, it kept burning no matter how many firefighters came to stop it. So he finally decided to venture into the flames, wearing fireproof clothing.

And what he saw in there was something more surprising than what he'd ever seen.

A young girl, screaming in pain, as the flames engulfed her. Worst of all, the flames were originating from her, and no adult was in sight.

A/N: whoever can find the meaning behind the title wins a prize! Idk you'll probably just get tagged or sth, I haven't thought this through

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