20 - The Boy Born With Everything

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You sighed as you walked out the lunch hall, having eaten a quick and satisfying lunch that would hopefully last the next couple hours. Not only that, but you'd also snagged a couple protein bars as well, to which Lunch Rush turned a blind eye.

"Y/N?" A rough voice questioned as you entered the hallway.

You looked up to see a tall, looming figure that you hadn't spoken to in ten years. Flames covered his face, slowly dissipating as his wide blue eyes met your own glaring ones.

"I believe we cut ties long back," you scoffed, walking past. "My mother would not approve of me speaking to men who haven't changed."

Endeavour clutched his fists in anger, annoyed that your family had ever gotten involved in the Todoroki familial issues.

"It was never your business to begin with," he snarled.

"It was my business the instant a five year old child came crying to me about how his mother had snapped, the cause being none other than what he claimed was the monstrosity of his left side," you retorted. "You brought this upon yourself and your family. It's your duty to fix it."

You stalked off, uninterested in conversation, though what Endeavour said next shocked you most.

"Shoto used his left side," he stated. "He will surpass you, and he will surpass All Might."

'She called it hideous!' A young Shoto sobbed as you tried to comprehend his words. 'I'll never use my fire again!'

"Shoto would never willingly use his left," you defended, hoping he'd stuck to the promise he'd made as a child. "He despises you, because you drove his mother and siblings away from him."

"What would you know?" Endeavour sneered. "You grew up on the streets once your house burnt down, no one was willing to take in a child like you because you were just a burden."

"I know how much it hurts to be left alone by the people you'd put your faith in," you retorted, the conversation you had with Uraraka a few weeks ago coming to mind. "It hurts being unable to make a change."

"You're a castout of society, you were destined to be left alone," Endeavour scoffed. "You really think you can make a change? Think again, Dragon Heiress."

Your life had been a rollercoaster, being saved by heroes as you lost everything in front of your very own eyes, only to be left in the slums for a couple years until a strange talking mouse found you interesting enough to adopt.

Todoroki's life, on the other hand, had been consistent. He had lived in comfort, had a family of which most the members were alive, and was rich enough to buy anything he'd wanted.

But consistency did not equate to happiness.

You had money to your name, along with many other artifacts that had been uncovered and stored in a vault, though that was it possession wise. Overall, you were happy now. You had found a loving family, and lived in comfort with most of your trauma being forgotten.

Your childhood friend, on the contrary, was the exact opposite. His life revolved around trauma, with every waking minute spent trying to avoid it as memories of the burning kettle flashed in front of his eyes from time to time.

You didn't know everyone's situation, and you certainly would never be able to. But you were always willing to try and understand, because that's what you wished someone had done for you.

"I know I can," you smirked. "Because I'm a better than you will ever be, Todoroki Enji-San."

Finally, you broke off the conversation, walking away to where the stairs were. Only, you ran into a surprised Todoroki this time.

"You're lying," he stated blankly. "You didn't know me when we were young I would remember, you're lying, you have to be."

"I wish I was," you smiled sadly, patting his shoulder. "I'm sorry I couldn't help."

With that short greeting, you walked out to the arena, where the next event was being announced.

"I hope you all had a fabulous lunch!" Midnight grinned, cracking her whip as a box was brought to her. "Our next event is a duel, in which the pairings will be decided by lots!"

You looked around scanning for your classmates, only to be confused as you noticed all the girls wearing cheer uniforms.

"What's with the getup?" You asked Uraraka while Midnight continued to explain the rules, to which she groaned in disappointment. "Fair enough."

"Now, to the lots!" Midnight grinned, though a hand shot up. "Yes, what is it?"

"I would like to withdraw," the person mumbled out, who you realised was Ojiro as you made your way forward. "I don't remember anything about the battle, so I think the position should be taken by someone more fitting."

"How righteous!" Midnight fawned. "That turns me on! Alright young one, your place will be taken by Tetsutetsu from the runner up team."

"Did she just say..." you began, utterly shocked.

"... it turns her on?" Uraraka whimpered, astounded by the vulgarity of the teachers.

"You now have a ten minute recess, after which the drawn lots will be displayed in the brackets on the monitor!" Midnight announced as a monitor was wheeled onto the stage.

You nodded, though suddenly got pulled away into a hallway by someone.

"What do you want Todoroki-San?" You hissed, wringing his arm off yours.

"Explain," he demanded. "I heard it all, but why didn't you tell me before?"

You pursed your lips, trying to think of an answer that wouldn't hurt the boy too much, though it wasn't long before you gave up.

"I thought you'd remember, meaning I wouldn't have too much to explain," you sighed. "Evidently, that didn't happen, so I chose to not tell you to keep your head steady during the fest. I want to defeat you at your best, to remind your father of whom he chose to mess with."

The half and half boy's eyes widened as he remembered that his father had confronted you, only for them to relax into a piercing glare.

"You can't surpass me with just Rei-San's power," you sighed. "Use your quirk wisely."

With that, you headed out to see who you were up against first.

Bracket 1: Kaminari Denki vs. L/N Y/N

Hi I'm not dead yet, but I have an update:

- you'll be getting a 20th chapter special for which I will accept a writing prompt

QOTD: thoughts on Y/N's backstory being more revealed rn?

I tried making it more realistic by sending her to the slums instead of an orphanage, bc the hero system is indeed fucked up and we love traumatizing our children

Have a great day/night :))

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