95 - Aizawa Shota, a responsible man

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November slowly came to a close, the days getting cooler and shorter. It wasn't long before you had to break out the winter clothing, latching to Todoroki and Bakugou for the warmth they naturally provided. Of course, this caused most of your class to stay inside dorm buildings at all times. The few who actively where seen outside, were strange creatures, such as Hatsume Mei.

"Hatsume-San, you in here?" You called as you entered the development studio.

"Up here!" The girl waved from atop a giant robot.

You smiled at her as she jumped down to greet you, rather eager for what you had to offer, only grinning wider once you handed her an invitation and a dress.

"I suspected you wouldn't have one, considering you're always in work clothing, and it wouldn't make sense to buy one for a one-time event," you explained.

"Thanks, but no thanks," Hatsume nodded, pulling out a box with neatly folded clothing inside. "I got this a while ago, when I was invited to a gala event after the sports festival, so I think I'll just reuse it!"

"Oh wow that's beautiful," you marveled as you eyed her suit. "You'll definitely be an eyecatcher for my crew."

"You think?" She asked. "I want to make an impression, they gotta remember me if I'm planning on working for you soon."

"That's why I'm dragging you along tonight, my presence is mandatory anyways, so might as well as bring in a new recruit!" You laughed.

Your mother and father were fresh U.A graduates when they decided to run an agency together. The one which your mother had inherited at 17, when her parents died fighting, and she naturally chose to run it with your father.

You yourself inherited the agency when your mother died, however, the agency was left in the care of sidekicks until you were old enough to manage it yourself. While you wished to take over with Kaminari by your side, you weren't entirely sure on that yet and decided to recruit candidates for a stable backbone instead.

Hatsume, always eager for opportunity, was more than ready to join you in meeting pro heroes and expanding horizons. Her excitedness was what convinced you to even consider her as a possible candidate, as just pure brilliance like hers didn't cut it out for you.

"I'll come over after tea then?" She checked, to which you nodded, giving her a few final pieces of information before departing.

Heading back to Heights Alliance was filled with surprises. For one, you didn't expect to open the door to an anxious Kaminari.

"Denki?" You asked, concerned.

Kaminari Denki rarely got nervous, his confidence overpowering everything else he felt. He was a bubbly person who could ramble on for hours if you entertained him long enough. Seeing any happy person worried was enough to stress you out yourself, because it usually meant you had something big to be concerned about. You'd seen it enough on Asui, Uraraka and Kirishima during the few weeks before the Hassaikai raid. However, up until now, you were never cursed with witnessing a panicked Kaminari.

"Ok don't panic, but Aizawa is here and he said he wanted to discuss something serious with you," Kaminari rambled.

You froze immediately, reminded of what the officers said to you seemingly forever ago. One wrong move and you would be suspended, or even expelled. You would no longer be under the protection of U.A.

"Oh fuck," you whispered, taking a deep breath and heading inside. You nodded at your teacher in greeting, and set your things down. "Tea, sir?"

"Don't worry about it," he mumbled, waving your offer off. "Kaminari, are you staying or do you want to leave?"

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