57 - Ultimate Moves

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The next day began early in the morning, with Aizawa making sure you were all awake at an ungodly hour ready to begin your training.

"The training camp was to make sure you guys could train and get your provisional license," the hero began. "Of course, due to complications, that's not possible so you will be training here instead. Starting today until the day of the exam, we will be working on creating Ultimate moves, with each one of you having at least one defensive and one offensive."

"Yes sir!" The class chirrupped, rushing into the Kitchen Lab as soon as Cementoss opened the doors.

Each one of you had strategically assigned positions, for example, you were far away from Todoroki and Bakugo who produced a lot of heat. Jirou, however, was placed close to Bakugo, to train her into withstanding loud environments such as explosions.

Your neighbours were Sero and Ojiro, neither of which could help you in any way when it came to your quirks. You'd already decided that you wanted a defensive move to be created with your mother's quirk, leaving the attacking to your father's power, just as the duo had always done in their hero work.

As soon as you climbed on top of the cliff Cementoss had designed, you drew a rune into the ground, in the hopes that the scrolls you had studied would help you here. A power magnifying command, in which you were sat in the middle of.

"Y/N-Dono?" Ojiro asked nervously. "Is that safe?"

"Probably not," you shrugged, activating your quirk. "But I need answers."

Your eyes were quick to glow a bright blue, as a dragon in the same colour appeared by your side, curling up in front of you. You were moments away from the subspace, where you would achieve total vulnerability. To still be able to protect you on the outside, you needed at least one dragon by your side, out of which you could see the real world through using heat signatures.

"That's her! Y/N!" A voice called, as you turned around aimlessly, attempting to find the origins.

"Mom?" You called, well aware that you wouldn't be able to see her. Seeing her in the subspace would mean that you would become completely vulnerable.

Total vulnerability meant that you would die, were it battle. You could not afford to follow your father's path. No matter how much you strained yourself.

"You read my scroll," she whispered, placing her hands on your shoulder, gently pulling you in.

Her hands were cold to the touch, just like yours, though they still harboured an unexpected warmth as she held you close.

"Mom?" You repeated, awestruck.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help, I hope Haru and Hajime did their best," she whispered. "I just wished to be by your side the entire time, but you can only summon the incarnation of the previous Heir. They didn't hurt you too much did they?"

"I'm fine Mom, the heroes handled it," you whispered, reaching for her hand. "But I do have a question."

"Ask away," the lady nodded, running her fingers through your hair.

"You told me to come to you whenever I needed advice," you sighed. "There's a boy in my class, who I spoke to frequently. He tried helping me. But I only pushed him away."

Your mother's breath hitched, causing you to jolt in surprise. Suddenly, you could see again, except this time you were back in the real world on top of a cliff with Ectoplasm glaring down upon you.

"With all due respect, Miss, meditating is not a defensive technique. I could have easily killed you," he scolded.

You bit back the urge to talk back at him, only nodding as you stood up, dusting yourself off.

The real world was noisy. People yelled at each other, they fought, they did things they regretted. You didn't like the real world. Everything was simple in the subspace. There were three people you could speak to, each one offering different advice, each one ready to support you. The subspace was quiet, no one talked out of line, no one did things they came to regret.

So why was your mother so reluctant to share her advice with you?

'Yuma I don't care how much it changed your views of yourself, you'll always be the same person I knew since first grade to me,' Rin sighed. 'You'll always be the girl that could kick my ass no matter the situation. It's a terrible thing that happened and I'm not telling you to get over it, but please just let us in again, I'll stay by your side. We can get through this.'

'You'll stay no matter what?' Yuma asked, crying. 'Please stay, Rin.'

'Forever and always,' he whispered, pulling her into a loose hug, allowing the girl to let down her facade and cry into his chest.

"You're glaring," Kirishima pointed out, taking a seat next to you during break. "Rough training, huh?"

"I guess," you shrugged.

"Kaminari told me what happened last night," he mumbled. "I agree with him. You gotta talk to someone, no matter how difficult it might be."

"I talk to Katsuki, that's enough," you glared, getting up again. "And I don't need you worrying about me. You don't worry about Katsuki do you? So why do you worry about me?"

"Bakubro would kill us if we even mentioned Kamino," Kirishima sighed. "I didn't think you would be the same. Kaminari was so worried that night I pretty much had to restrain him so that he wouldn't join us. Do with that information what you want."

You were surprised by that revelation, watching as Kirishima headed to his cliff once again, opposite the electricity wielder. Kaminari was surrounded by golden streams of electricity, grinning brightly as he continuously increased his output, the sheer joy of his work visible in every step he took.

He constantly found roundabout ways to make sure others wouldn't get hurt, constantly found ways to make himself look more badass, laughing in euphoria whenever it worked. He was someone who had everything he could ever possibly want.

And he was worried about you?

A/N: Y/N crush arc go brr

QOTD: thoughts on the Kirishima therapy session?

QOTD pt 2: thoughts on Y/N's mom?

Have a great day/night!

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