10 - Breaking Bakugo

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"Ha?" Bakugo asked, glaring at you.

Midoriya was doing better off than you'd expected, having judo flipped the boy opposite him.

"What?" You scoffed, preparing to throw in a few punches.

"You're the girl that thinks she's all that just because she has some money," Bakugo commented, flexing his fingers. "You'll be fun to take down."

Your eyes widened in surprise as he lunged forward, hands about to send an explosion your way. His hands were behind him, propelling him in your direction as he'd jumped off.

Out of pure instinct, you placed a hand on his chest and activated your quirk.

Any heat that had been present in Bakugo's body, instantly left and entered yours instead.

You caught him as he passed out, gently setting him down.

"He'll be up in a couple seconds, and he'll be angry as hell," you stated, glancing at Midoriya. "So get out of here while you can."

The boy nodded, rushing in the opposite direction as you whizzed upstairs to aid Uraraka.

For the first time, Iida would be opposing you. And for the first time ever, you'd have to treat him like the enemy.

'Uraraka-San, Y/N-Sama,' a voice called in through your earpiece.

'Deku-kun!' Uraraka gasped, guilt dripping in her voice.

'Where are you, he's awake,' Midoriya hissed, grunting with impact as an explosion hit him.

"All of you shut up," you whispered as you made your way up to the blind spot. "Fifth floor middle, where I pointed it out."

Inside the room you could see Iida taunting Uraraka as part of the exercise, though she refused to cave in and give your locations away.

"I expect Y/N to be dealing with Bakugo along with Midoriya, her quirk is suitable for that," Iida guessed as you scanned the room.

"Y-yes, she's downstairs with Deku-kun!" The girl squealed, anxiety increasing.

You pursed your lips at the sight before finding something in the corner of the room.

"Camera," you whispered, nervous.

You couldn't do any flashy moves to help Uraraka, purely for the sake of the secrecy of your quirk. Should anything get out, you could be in life threatening danger.

Sighing, you flexed your hands in the direction of the faux nuke, as a faint glimmer appeared around it.

Suddenly, a huge quake shook the grounds, making you lose stability and hold of your quirk.

The weak shield you'd created had dissipated, though the aftershock remained.

You weren't the only distracted one though, Iida had gotten himself distracted as well, something Uraraka exploited. She was quick to jump above him, using her float for assistance as she attempted to reach the nuke.

Iida instantly reacted to her, moving the nuke out of the way, causing her to fall.

You were quick to find out that the huge aftershock was a large scale explosion set off by Bakugo, something that earned a warning from All Might.

"That's enough to fuel me for days," you mumbled as heat seeped through the concrete, flowing into your palms. "What power."

Heat coursed through your veins as your wrists began to sear with blinding pain, enough to get a quiet gasp out of you.

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