She's Not Rachel

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*Misty's POV*

I woke up the next morning to find that the news blaring in our living room.

"Come on Harry, they'll probably have something about the murder on."I whispered and he followed me down the stairs. Dad sat on the couch.

"A girl was found dead in the woods just past that bridge we told you not to go to."He said a picture of a curly haired beauty coming up on the screen. The name 'Danielle Peazer' was written across the bottom in block letters.

"We have to go find her."Harry said."She's alone and confused as to where she is. I've been there and it would've been nice to have someone to help me."I stood from the couch and ran upstairs. I put on my favourite sweats and tee shirt.

"I'll be back, Dad."I said running out the door Harry floating close beside me.

*Danielle's POV*

All I could do was stare at my beaten, broken body.

"She died at around 2:00-3:00 this morning."A grumpy, grey haired man said and I scoffed.

"It was 2:30 you idiots."Nobody heard me or saw me for that matter so I knew I could say what I wanted. I saw a girl and a strangely dressed boy standing by the road. The boy came towards me and I was confused until he passed right through a police officer standing in his way.

"Hello Danielle, I'm Harry. I've been in this situation a lot longer than you have so I'm going to show you the ropes. That girl by the road is Misty; she's a breather. That’s a slang term for someone who is still alive and breathing. She can see us when nobody else can."He explained grabbing my hand and dragging me away from my body."This area of the woods is your home space. It's where you live basically; you draw energy from this place. You can sleep if you want to and move objects in the living world too. Scaring people isn't the brightest thing to do because then you have teenagers trooping all over your territory looking for you to scare their slightly younger counterparts. You got all that?"I nodded.

"Now you can go meet the others."Misty said gesturing me towards the bridge.

"Zayn!"She called quietly and a boy stepped out from under the bridge.

"Hey, I did a school project on you!"I exclaimed."You're the ghost of the bridge, the story every parent tells their kid to keep them away from this bridge."He laughed.

"It is I!"He exclaimed throwing his arms in the air."BOO!"I laughed at that. Two other boys stepped out from under the bridge.

"There are three of you?"

"No, that's Liam, he lives in the house up the street, and that's Niall, he's from up the road, they were just visiting."Zayn said smacking Liam on the back causing him to jump. I know the signs of abuse when I see them.

"Hi Liam, my name's Danielle."I said and he looked at me. The minute he looked me in the eyes I felt a rush.

"You're so pretty."He whispered.

"Thank you kind sir."I replied and he his cheeks glowed red. Niall laughed and Zayn rolled his eyes.

"Li, if you don't do it I'll do it for you."Niall said.

"Want to go out sometime?"He asked rather quickly turning his head towards the ground. I placed a finger under his chin lifting his face so he was looking into my eyes.

"Of course, I would love to."Misty squealed from her place beside Harry."I wish I could hug you Liam I'm so proud of you."She said and he smiled widely.

"Let's get Louis!"Liam exclaimed."You'll love him Dani I promise."

"No, Liam she can't meet him today, it's his anniversary tomorrow."Harry said and both Misty and I looked at him funny."On the anniversary of our death we revert back to what we looked like the day we died."He explained."The transformation starts the day before. I really don't think either of you wants to see Lou like that. He looks terrible."Zayn sighed and stepped towards the centre.

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