1. We Come For You, No Chances

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TW - Anxiety

The line wasn't too big, and powerless teenagers all stood, discussing what their choice was, or the plans they had made for when they obtained their powers.

I, much like the rest of the people here, had freshly turned 16 today.

"I'm for sure going to pick telekinesis. - Wait! No! Pyrokinesis." Mark smirked, overfilled with excitement.

Rolling my mocha eyes, I shook my head, "Wow. How original."

Reflecting a playful smirk, I honestly didn't feel much excitement or joy and if I am being frank with you, this whole 'on your 16th birthday, go to the local government ran facility and pick out one power of your choice' shit terrified the absolute hell out of me.

I don't want a power. I don't need a power. I mean, all it's done is made bullies stronger and more evil. Hell, murderers can fly. Fucking fly!

Everyone picks the same shit. Telekinesis, Telepathy, Time-Manipulation, Force-fields, it's all the same shit, different shovel.

It's not like it helps any of us. We don't turn into a superhero or something. Hell, there is no Superman flying around, and no Spiderman trapping villains in his webs.

Plus, what is the point of this? Why did the government make this bullshit a requirement for every innocent persons 16th birthday.

Happy birthday! Now you're 16, you can read peoples minds!

It's pointless. Everything in this stupid world is pointless.

But alas, never mind my passionate rant. I can't do anything about it, I guess.

"Next!" The guard calls, and anxiety grows inside me as I realise Mark and I are next.

Stumbling our way inside, the anxiety almost becomes unbearable.

"Hello gentlemen, happy birthday." A tall woman with striking blue eyes and soft blonde hair smiles.

She looks welcoming yet cold. Like my old teacher in 5th grade, Mrs. Gladys. She was lovely on her good days, but a bitch on her bad days.

"Here is the list of all the powers. Read carefully and choose wisely, as once you are given the power, there is no going back. Take your time and let me know when you have chosen your power."

Nodding, both Mark and my eyes downcast to the off-white, ancient looking list of powers.

"Man, look at all of these powers! How will I ever choose?!" Mark's voice oozes with excitement.

I on the other hand, frown at the list. They all seem so mainstream and boring, like I imagined.

"Can you see Pyrokinesis anywhere?" Mark mumbles, eyebrows furrowed in thought.

Scanning the page, I see it close to the bottom of the list.

"Here." I point my bony finger to it and read.


Occupants: 1,000,000+

Description: The ability to manipulate fire by psychic powers

"Hell yeah. Thats what I'm going with for sure!"

Smirking at his enthusiasm, I scroll my eyes down the list until one power in particular caught my eye.


Occupants: 0

Description: Unknown

"What does it mean, 'unknown'?" My confusion caught the attention of the woman, and she moves towards us.

"Have you got a question?" She asks, as I nod.

"Siphon. The description says 'unknown'. How can there be a power listed when no one knows what it does?"

She hums in thought, looking at the power in the book.

"Ah." She nods, and I glance at Mark, cocking an eyebrow.

"Occupants says zero which means no one has ever chosen this power. Therefore, it is unclear what that power actually does."

Frowning, I question "So potentially, that power might not even do anything?"

She too frowns for a moment, lost in thought again, "I guess so. However, I am unsure why everyone has skipped over it. Perhaps it indeed, doesn't hold any significant power at all."

I look back down at it, my thoughts in overdrive.

Siphon what the bloody hell could it be?

"I'll take it." I decide.

If it has no affect, then I'll be saved from he burden of a pointless power. Let's hope it does nothing.

"Dude, I don't think that's a good idea. I mean, we don't even know what it does. Maybe there is a reason no one has ever chosen it?" Mark stresses as I look to him.

"I'm sure it will be fine. Plus, I could literally pick a power that tears a black hole in the universe, and you're worrying about 'Siphon'?"

The woman smiles, alright boys, have you decided?"

I nod, and Mark goes back to excited quickly.

"Who's first?" She questions, and I bite my lip nervously.

"I'll go first. I want Pyrokinesis." Mark smiles.

He moves towards the woman who is now holding a needle.

"You will feel a slight pinch, then the power is go through your veins." She describes as I feel myself working up a nervous sweat.

Watching Mark, he winces as the needle enters his vein.

"Woah, dude!" Mark exclaims as he moves back over to me, "My body feels all warm."

"Thats the power going through your veins. Give it a minute and it will calm down and settle in."

She turns to me, and I gulp down my fear.

"I um, I want Siphon p-please."

Her eyes widen as she looks nervous.

"Are you-Are you sure you want that? Like I stated, we are unsure what the power holds."

I shrug, "I want it."

Nodding nervously, she prepares the needle.

Hopefully nothing happens. Hopefully this power is minuscule and useless, like a power to pee less, or feel no pain.

"Ready dear?" She questions, turning to my shaking self.

I nod, allowing her to take my wrist and push the needle in.

Instantly, as if the temperature in the room dropped to -100 degrees, goosebumps fills my skin like scales on a fish.

My body trembles as my vision blurs. I feel weak and lightheaded as the needle pumps the foreign power through my body.

With my heart pumping, I begin to hear a voice. Distant and creepy.

"We come for you. No chances."

It's like multiple voices all chanting this scary phrase, and suddenly, as if my nightmares became reality, I lose consciousness.

Siphon (Joshler)Where stories live. Discover now