Chapter one

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Annas pov
it was a warm sunny afternoon, I went for a run I was out for about half an hour. I was down the street and that's when I seen her sitting in her car, parked outside of my house.

She was getting out and as she did, her eyes met mine. I started walking towards her because what could she possibly want.

Let's start from the beginning shall we. My names Anna Shumate, I'm 18, I live with my dad but he's barely home like that because he's a workaholic. My mom passed a couple years ago to cancer, I'm still hurt about it but not as much anymore.

I have a younger brother his names Brandon and hes 14, he stays with my grandparents though because I have school and I can't really watch him. He visits me and we still hang out so I guess that's okay.

We are actually gonna hang out today, we're gonna go to the mall because he wanted to get some clothes and shoes.

I was just tying my shoes when he texts me that hes ready and waiting on me.

I grab my keys and head out to pick him up. After I arrived at my grandparents I honked and he came out seconds later.

"Hey Anna." He greeted me.

"Hey bud." I said back. I waited for him to put his seatbelt on and started the drive to the mall.

When we got there he basically just did his own thing looking for stuff and I followed. We talked about how he was doing in school and how our grandparents were doing.

We went into one of the stores and boy was he shopping. When he was done he put his clothes up and I paid for it.

"Thank you Anna." He said as he was giving me a side hug.

"No problem, where to next?" I asked. He let go of me and responded with "Now for shoes." This guy is gonna break my pockets.

He led me to this shoe store but I've never seen it before and I'm here alot, it must be new. He walked in and I walked in after. As we were walking in I could a voice welcoming us in.

Wait she sounded kinda cute. I didn't get to get a look at her though. I followed Brandon around looking for shoes until he found one, which didn't take very long.

"I like these ones." He says to me checking them out. They were actually cool looking. He then proceeded to ask me if i could go ask if they had that shoe in his size.

As I was getting up I wasn't paying attention because my focus was on the shoes. I accidentally bumped into the worker.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention." I quickly say. I look at her and wow, she's gorgeous. Short brown hair, brown eyes, not that much shorter from me, I'm like 90% sure she's the girl who greeted us.

"No worries it's all good, I just came by to check if you guys needed help or anything like that." She says back kinda giggling.

I ask her if she had the pair in Brandon's size. She says she'll go check so I hand her the shoes and she leaves to go check.

I look at Brandon and he looks like he's fighting the urge to laugh.

"What's so funny?" I ask him.

"You and that girl." He says laughing.

"Yeah whatever." We wait for her to come back and shortly she does.

"Here you go." She hands me the box and I hand it to Brandon.

"Thank you....Eva." I say pausing to read her name tag. I smile at her and she smiles back.

"I'm gonna go look for shoes for myself, come find me when you're ready." I tell Brandon.

"You got it." He says back. I leave and go find a nice pair of shoes. I go up to the girl from earlier, Eva, and ask if she has it in my size. She comes back shortly and hands me the box.

As I was taking the box, our hands slightly touched. I got a hold of the box and she looked at me with a smile.

"So I didn't get your namee."

"Anna Shumate." I said smiling back. She opened her mouth as she was about to talk but then this goblin ass kid had to interrupt us.

"I'm ready I want these." Brandon says looking at me. Eva goes behind the counter to the register and rings the shoes up.

I pay for the shoes and she prints out my receipt. She takes a pen and writes something on it. She hands it to me and slightly bites her lip.

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