Chapter six

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Evas pov
We finally got to the party and Anna turns to me,

"Don't take any drinks from anyone you don't know and just try to stay close, I doubt you know anyone from here."

"Okay." I simply say.

We get out and head inside and instantly get greeted by a girl and that cute guy from PE. I never actually got his name.

"Hey finally you came." The girl says.

"Hey yeah sorry, so Eva this is Karina and Christian." The guy, Christian, takes his hand out and shakes mine.

"Hi" I softly say. I do the same to Karina and we all walk in.

This other guy comes up to us, tallish, pale, dark eye circles.

"Anna you made it, and hello pretty girl what's your name, I'm chris." I take a quick glance at Anna and she looks a little mad.

"Eva." I take my hand out for a handshake and he takes it and places a kiss on it. I look at him and smile and he smiles back.

"Anyways Anna, you wanna smoke with me and some other guys?" As he's asking she looks at me.

"Do you wanna come with me?"


"Alright bet." Chris says and leads the way outside.

Annas pov
I was kinda mad about how Chris just kissed her hand, I don't even know why. As I'm about to follow him out I feel something touch my hand, I look down and it was Eva's hand. I look up and look at her and she's just looking around.

I grab her hand and interlock our fingers so we're holding hands, I looked at her from the side and could see her smiling. I walk the both of us outside and see that there's only one seat available.

I take a seat and then take Eva down with me. I could hear her giggling.

"Here Anna take a hit." I hear chris say. He passed me a blunt and Eva sees. She moves to one side of my lap so I could have space to smoke on my other side. He lights the blunt and I take a hit. I had my open hand on the arm rest and as it's chilling there I feel it lift.

Eva picked it up and wrapped her around her stomach. I don't know what she was making me feel but I liked it. I took another hit and looked at Eva, she had already been looking at me.

"Do you wanna hit?" I ask her.

"I don't think I should." She says looking at me.

"Coward." I hear one of the guys say.

"Leave her alone she has a strict mom she'll probably smell it off of her." I say. As I'm about to take another hit Eva says something.

"You know what let me try it.." It was already getting smaller so I finished it.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." She looks at me confidently.

"You gotta roll it." Chris says, I nod and he gives me the stuff, he also tosses the lighter to me. I take my hand off Evas waist and start doing my thing.

I'm almost done rolling it and as I am I see Eva looking at me. I look at her and lick the wrapper to seal the blunt, keeping eye contact with her. I look at it making sure it's good and then look back at her

"Ready?" I ask her, and she replies with a slow nod. I put the blunt to her lips and her lips hold it. I look at her and light it.

"Slow." I tell her and she holds eye contact while taking a hit of it.

"Inhale, it's okay if you cough let it out." The cough is definitely gonna probably hurt her. She inhales for a little bit and then starts taking her arm and coughing into it.

"Can one of you get me a water bottle?" As I ask a guy gets up and grabs it for me. He tosses it to me and I open it for her.

"Here drink." I give her the water and her cough dies down.

"Ouch god that hurt." I start laughing at the way she said it. I take the blunt out of her hands and take a hit, inhaling and give it back to her.

She takes a hit, inhales and lets it out, with little to no cough, impressive.

Evas pov
As I finished taking my hits I was just watching Anna smoke. She was so attractive while she smoked.

"You want another hit before we go inside?" I nod and take another. After that I got off of her lap, and waited for her to get up. When she did I linked my arm around hers.

"Alright we'll be inside if you guys need us."

"Bye Anna, bye Annas pretty friend." I hear one of the guys say.

"Bye Eva and Anna." I hear chris say.

"Bye." I give him a little wave and before I could see and hear what he was asking me I was dragged into the house part.

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