1- Welcome

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Iris' POV:

"Iris! Wake up, we're here."
Ugh, I hate waking up. Waking up to the unrealistic expectations my father has set for me as heir to his mafia. My mom used be a huge shoulder to lean on, but she passed away a few years back.

Me and my dad's crew have spent the past five hours on our way to Oakville. A supposedly small, but not too small town. I hate moving, but I gotta do what I gotta do.

I've been assigned to go after this guy named Nicolas. Not gonna lie, when I first saw his picture the first thought that came to mind was "he's too pretty to die". What? He's gorgeous. Low-key upset that I have to do this. But I'd be doing myself a favour because he's also heir to his mom's mafia. So his pretty face has to be the sacrifice.

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

Ok. I'm terrible at this. Moving into my new room. So I gave myself a break and went for a walk around the new neighbourhood. I know, why on earth would one of the most powerful mafia leaders move into a neighbourhood? Well, we have to put up the impression that i'm somewhat of a normal teenager from a normal family.

"Hey!" a girl sitting with a friend on her front lawn waved over to me.
"Yeah, you, come here!" so I walked over.
"Brooke. Your new neighbor, and this is Leo," she said as i waved back.
"Yeah, I'm Iris, mind if I join?" I asked, taking a seat before they could answer.

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Hours later

Okayyy, this isn't so bad! I actually kinda like these people. I just said goodbye after exchanging numbers. Tomorrow I start going to school, and it's a relief to know that I might actually have friends here.

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The Next Day

I just got my schedule, three classes with Leo and two with Brooke. Starting with chemistry. Ew.

I walked into the classroom, hoping to see Nicolas anywhere. I see Leo waving at me, signalling me to come sit next to him.

"Yo! You wanna be lab partners?" he asked me.

"Uh, yeah, sure!" I reply.

Then he walks in, nodding at Leo. Perfect, they know each other. Leo could introduce us so we could cut to the chase.

As he walks in, I remember it's my mission to intrigue him, so I have to act interested in him or something. Ugh.

"Oh my God who's that?" I ask in a 'what a hottie' tone.

"Oh that's Nicolas, he's my bestfriend."

Silence. Not awkward at all.

"Oh right, let me introduce you both. Yo, Nick, come here for a sec!" Leo called over.

As he gets closer, his pleasant scent runs through my nostrils. Well, at least he smells nice.

"This is Iris, she's the new girl in the neighborhood."

"Who?" he cluelessly asks. I don't even think he's listening.

"Iris," I told him, snapping him out of his trance.

"Yeah ok", he replied, walking off.

Excuse you?!

"What's his problem?" I ask, irritated.

"Oh yeah, don't take it personally. He's just gone through a bad breakup and pretty girls like you remind him of his ex-girlfriend."

Oh, well, why didn't you just say so?! Totally fixed everything!

"Haha it's no big deal," I lie ruefully, only to look behind me to see him making out with a girl. What the-

"Oh, that's Skylar," answering my question before i could even ask it.

"Oh, so, is that his new girlfriend or something?" I ask, at a total loss.

Crap crap crap she better not be, or this is gonna be harder than I thought.

"No he's just... messing around," he said, waiting for me to get what he's implying, "it's been like this since the breakup."

Oh. Just peachy.

Author's Note:

And that's a wrap for the first chapter! Thank you so much for giving my book a try. I know it's a bit short but the next ones will be a bit longer I promise<33

Anyways I'll try to get the next chapter done by tomorrow. Make sure to vote and comment what you think

Do we like leo ?

(edited, word count: 720)

xoxo ~ K <3

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