4- All in Due Time

36 2 16

Nicolas' POV :

Its been like 20 minutes and she's on a hunt for ' the perfect pair of jeans ' they're just jeans what does that even mean.

She's tried on like 10 pairs already they all look the same.

She finally makes up her mind and picks one of them after me begging to leave for the thousandth time

" You've been no help" she pouts as she approaches the cashier and puts her stuff on the checkout desk.

I hand her my credit card, I don't know what's wrong with me but I just can't let her pay. " Nope don't even try" she reaches for her wallet. But I give it to the cashier anyway.

" You've got yourself quit the gentleman young lady " the old lady cashier winks at her taking my credit card.

" Oh he's not-" her eyes widen and points at us and faces me, "we're not dating" we both say I'm sync. But the old lady chuckles, " right " as if she can't believe us.

She hands Rose the bag and we leave the store.

"That took forever" I whined.

" Oh please it's only barely been an hour " she nudges me with her elbow and rolls her eyes sarcastically, leading me to chuckle.

" Well uh I have to go " she smiles and rubs the side of her head. " Oh right, I'll drive you " I offer, she nods, I take her hand and we make our way to my car. I can feel her eyes looking at our hands intertwined, she gives it a- is that a smirk? Ok we got a smirk. I can see that it might not be as hard to get close to her she's pretty open for god knows what reason, maybe she just trusts me. If she does, kinda makes me feel bad about breaking it an all but you gotta do what you gotta do.

I open for her the passenger seat door and she hops in, but she gets a text, her eyebrows immediately rise and says "oh uh I need to-" she says urgently. " -go " I complete her sentence. "Yeah I know I'll take you home remember ?" I reply, confused. " Yea um my stepbrother says he's close by and we're having dinner somewhere out" she gives me a hesitant smile. " Oh uh sure" she hops out and waves " bye " I wave back and start the engine.

But her hand suddenly lands on the window frame and leans in saying " I had fun today we should do it again sometime ". " yea we should" I give her a genuine smile, what? She's not all bad I enjoyed her company. " without the shopping part " I point out jokingly and she chuckles, giving me a wave and starts walking away.

Iris' POV :

Making our way to his car I get a text from my father.

Dad: It's time for you're sparing lessons, the kids are waiting. Raymond is already here he'll cover for you. Come to headquarters immediately I sent a car for you.

Shit I totally forgot about that.

I raise my eyebrows, saying " oh uh I need to-" in an urgent tone but he interrupts me

" Yeah I know I'll take you home remember ?"

Quick Iris come up with something...

" Yea um my step brother says he's close by and we're having dinner somewhere out" Sure that'll work. I put on a smile but I think he can tell it's not genuine.

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