5- The Flyer

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Nicolas' POV:

I park the car and get out with Leo. We make our way to our lockers which are right next to each other, when we see flyers hung on all of the lockers.

Leo grabs one of them and suddenly starts smiling. "Why- what are you smiling about?" I ask, not trying to disguise my curiosity.

"Homecoming tickets are gonna start getting sold in a few days!" he replies excitedly.

Personally, I've never been a fan of these formals. They're useless and a waste of time.

"It's in two weeks, you thinking of asking anyone?" he winked at me, clearly thinking I'd be asking her.

"Pfffft... no!" I scoffed.

"Okay then, maybe I'll ask her," he pinched his chin, posing as if he's in deep thought about it. I know exactly what he's doing.

I now realise that I actually might have to take her just in case anyone asks her, she can't be liking anyone else she has to like me in order for this to be over with.

" I don't think she'd want to go with you Leo" I cross my arms lifting an eyebrow.

" And why is that " already knowing the answer I'm about to give him.

" Because I'm gonna be asking her " I sigh in defeat rolling my eyes. He smiles and nods.

" Great cuz I'm thinking of asking Brooke " he plays with his fingers.

" That's great man so you're finally gonna make the move on her " I pat his shoulder excited for him. He's liked her for a while now but he was too scared to make a move, but now he has the courage to and I'm happy for him. 

Iris' POV:

I rush through the halls because I'm late. I overslept kinda, probably because I've been up late studying for my history quiz.

I speed walk to to the room and take my seat beside Leo apparently he saved me a seat that's so nice of him.

" Hey " I smile putting my bag down and taking out my pencil case, putting it on my desk and I turn to him.

" Your late " he states with a small chuckle.

" Yea I didn't have time to study after school so I crammed all night, didn't really get any sleep" I explain.

" Ah because you went out with Nicolas " he wiggled his eyebrows.

" No we were just hanging out Leo, wait- " I pause with my eyes wide open, " did he tell you it was a date " well this is working oddly quickly.

" No he said it was just a hangout too " he looks disappointed.

" Well I'll fill you in on what you missed out on this morning " leaning in he takes a flyer out of his book bag and hands for me to see.

Oh there's a dance in nearby. Perfect opportunity to get closer to Nicolas, how do I get him to ask me tho?? Maybe I'll just ask him.

" Are you gonna ask anyone " I ask

" Yea I might have someone in mind " he nods smiling to himself.

" Yea me too " I say

" Oh you're gonna ask someone " he widens his eyes in shock.

" Yeah why not I'm not gonna wait around to be asked when I already have someone I wanna go with " I reply, why is it a big deal can't the girl ask the guy? Why do we have to be the people always waiting around ?

" That's actually very cool" he nods in agreement with my decision. " Us guys like bold " he winks.

I roll my eyes jokingly but immediately straighten my position because the teacher just walked in.

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