6- Green

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Authors note: So sorry for not updating sooner I've just been really busy. I still haven't came up with a consistent posting schedule but when I do I'll announce so.

On a side note thank you for 100 reads ! I genuinely didn't think my book would get this far but here we are 🙈

Chapter six. . Enjoy !!


Nicolas' POV:

Its been about a week since Rose asked me out to the homecoming dance. I don't really wanna go formals aren't really my thing, but whatever.

My phone has been blowing up with chicks asking about her, especially Skylar, she seems pretty intimidated by Rose for some reason. I've made it loud and clear I never wanted anything with her but she just can't take the hint.

This is the first time I've ever brought a date to this thing I usually don't even go because I have work to do but in this case, since she is the 'work' I have to go.

" So how're you and Brooke going " I ask.

Brooke said yes to going with Leo. Shocking I know, it's so obvious she likes him but he's too wrapped up about liking her that he can't notice.

" It's going great man I can't believe after all this time we might actually become something, I'm asking her the big question after the homecoming king and queen announcement" .

Brooke and Leo have also been nominated for homecoming king and queen. So have Rose and i for some reason. I'm pretty sure Rose is the one who nominated them but I have no idea who could've possibly nominated us. Could it be her? No it can't be.

" I still can't believe me and Rose have been nominated too it makes no sense " I shrug in disbelief.

" Well believe it man " he playfully pats my shoulder, " you should see the way you too look at eachother it's so obvious she's into you ".

" I don't know man " I rub the back of my neck.

Me and Rose have been hanging out quite a lot lately and it's been so fun. The fact that I'm having to kill her after homecoming is killing me.

My father has been pressuring me into getting this over with since this assignment is taking up a lot of my time that I don't really have time to do my normal duties.

The deadline is the night after homecoming. I'm not really sure what to do.

" Dude" he says unamused " she literally asked you since when does the girl ask the guy huh? She's so into you " he chuckles at my attempt of obliviousness.

The bell rings which means our free period is over.

" Aight what do you have " I ask

" English Lit ( AP English) with you and your girlfriend "  wiggling his eyebrows and a teasing smile while grabbing his bag.

I lift and eyebrow "Leonidas", and sternly remind him "she's not my girlfriend ".

" You wish she was tho " he teases and I playfully push him forward. " And what did I say about calling me that it's just Leo " he whines. I know he doesn't really like his name so he just goes by Leo, but I do anyway just to push his buttons.

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