💚Kyle Broflovski💚

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(Y/n) - your name

Being the hands-down worst person to ever exist's sister wasn't so bad. Oh who were you kidding, you hated it. So, so much. Eric was always so controlling over you. He would rarely even let you talk to anyone. And worst of all, he convinced your mother to keep you homeschooled. But, today that was gonna change. Today I was gonna stand up for myself and tell shitface to let me live my own life.

To say that I was nervous would he an understatement. I was honestly downright terrified. Considering the things my twin has done in the past, I didn't know nor want to know what he was capable of doing to me. However, I still had to do this. I had to be strong. But could I...? No! I have to do this!

Even though my heart was pounding as if it were going to explode, and my confidence was merely a facade, I tried my best to bravely walk up to him, which semi-worked. Semi. I caught him just in time before he walked out the door to reach the bus stop on time.

"Sigh, shouldn't you still be asleep, and why are you fully dressed as if you were going somewhere?" He questioned, clearly annoyed. This was it. Just say it!

"Eric," I paused and looked down, physically unable to hold eye contact for any longer, "I'm coming to school with you today."

He stared at me a few seconds, anger quickly growing on his face, "The fuck, no you aren't."

"I am. Mama said I could, and she even advised that I make some friends!" I clarified, with excitement replacing the obvious terror that was once hidden in my voice. He only grew angrier.

"Whatever!" He gave in, "but don't you dare think about making any friends, I won't let that happen."

"I'm not seven anymore, dick, and your only four minutes older than me, so what gave you the idea that you get to decide every single thing I do?!" I shouted in anger, pushing past him. However, I came to a stop when I realized I didn't know where to go. You sighed in defeat as you turned back towards your slightly older brother, and gave him an 'I need help' look.

"Why should I help you find where to go after you just shouted at me," he questioned, anger still tinting his voice. I just decided to give him puppy eyes until he finally gave in due to what time it was.

He tightly gripped onto my arm and led me to our destination. It was still about ten minutes until the bus arrived, which meant I could sort of get to know the three others he was standing with. As I completely made a final stop next to Eric, I felt three unusual eyes glued to me. I glanced over and heard Eric's voice.

"The fuck are you dumbasses looking at?" He questioned, a clear annoyance hinting his words. The boys quickly turned away as if nothing had happened. A few more minutes of silence went by, until I not-so-bravely decided to speak up.

"Since none of you wanna introduce yourselves, I'll start. The names (Y/n), I'm Eric's sister," I concluded.

"You never told us you have a sister, dude!" The one in the green hat spoke. To be honest he was kind of cute. Eric gave him an eyeroll.

"Anyway, um, hi, I'm Stan, that's Kenny, and that's Kyle," he explained. Kyle. What a nice name. After a last few minutes of chatting, the bus finally pulled up and I silently stepped on. Before being able to speak to the bus driver about where to sit, I felt a harsh pull and stumbled into a seat.

"What the fuck?! Watch it ner- o-oh sorry Kyle.. Why'd you, uh, do that?" I asked as I looked down, a deep shade of red plastered on my cheeks.

"The bus driver's crazy," he emphasized the last word, "didn't want you to get yelled at on your first day."

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