🔘Butters Stotch🔘

28 0 2

(Y/n) - your name
(F/b) - favorite band

Italics - flash forward

Truth or dare. The hands down worst game to ever be played. And yet, here I was, sitting in a large circle with my fellow classmates playing the wretched game. Well, a form of the game anyway. Whoever's name was last called had to reach into a hat and pull out a different name to give them a question or a task. I really didn't want to be here, but my mom was forcing me to go out and try new things since I'm an anti-social bitch. Suddenly I hear a certain blonde-haired girl call my name. Not wanting any embarrassing information exposed, I sighed and picked dare.

"Sweet! I dare you too..."

I sat on my bed, bored but content. Just like every other day when school ended, I lied down and scrolled through Instagram. Well, that was until my mom called me downstairs. I sighed, sat my phone on my nightstand, and made my way towards her.

"Sweetie, guess what!" She cheered. I did not like the tone of her voice. It told me she was up to something.

"What?" I sighed once again, slightly annoyed.

"That girl from your class, Heidi I think's mom called me and said you were invited to a sleepover!" She answered, sickeningly cheerful. Oh god..

"Can I please just tell her I'm sick or something? I hate being around people, especially them," I begged, but it was no use.

"You're always up in that messy room of yours. You really need to get out more, so your going. No more questions. Plus, I already informed them that you were going," she demanded, "go get your things ready."

I silently cursed as I made my way back into my room, gathering necessary things. Lastly, I changed into a black spaghetti strap, shredded white jeans, and an oversized (f/b) hoodie. I waved to my mother, and gave her an annoyed look, before slamming the door and slowly tramping to the brunette's house. As soon as I reached the house, I was greeted by a tall, strong looking man, which I assumed was her dad. He led me to the basement, which I assumed was where we were staying for the night.

"Ah, (Y/n), you made it!" Heidi greeted, as I gave her a fake smile, "Set your stuff in the closet."

I followed her order as one of the other girls spoke up.

"So when is everyone else gonna arrive?" Bebe asked in her signature girly tone. Everyone else? I was the last girl to arrive, so Bebe's question did confuse me a bit. But, I didn't let it bother me too much.

"When my parents go to bed, I don't want them finding out. My dad would go crazy!" Heidi answered. Then it hit me. The alcohol, the empty bottle for what I assume was spin the bottle or some other wretched game, the extra guests. Heidi was having a secret party! Just great..

"Let's finish setting up and getting ready. My parents should be out any second, and I told the boys to arrive at 11," Heidi spoke, and the girls did as she asked. Wendy went to the bathroom to curl her hair, Bebe double checked the alcohol table, Red made sure there was a few extra empty bottle just incase, Heidi went to change into a more revealing outfit along with some of the other girls, and I just sat in an unnoticeable area regretting coming here in the first place. It was too late to turn back now though, the others would surely notice me missing.

The girls finished preparing around 10:45, and Heidi's parents were sound asleep by now, so we had about 25 minutes to spare. The others had began to gossip, some playing on their phones, and some already getting drunk. But I just sat around, not bothering to make conversation. Then, at last, the boys began arriving. It started off as Stan, Eric, Butters, Craig, and Jimmy, then more and more came. The entire class had been there, the last of the guests arriving at 11:48 on the dot. After everyone, apart from me, Butters, Wendy, and Lisa Burger, had gotten drunk, Heidi spoke loudly, getting everyone's attention.

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