💞Clyde Donovan💞

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(Y/n) - your name
(H/c) - hair color

It had been a week since the school's biggest player asked you to be his girlfriend. Also known as Clyde Donovan. Even though You weren't very popular at all, this didn't surprise you. You knew it was all a sick prank set up by him and his dumbass friends. But, you didn't break up with him due to the little amount of hope you had. You did have to admit you had a crush on the boy, and because of this you decides to stay with him. Even if it meant heartbreak in the end, you still got the experience of being with your crush, and that was good enough for you.

You quickly shoved your things into your locker, and made your way to the cafeteria. The part of the day you usually hated most, due to all the loud, obnoxious kids being gathered into one place together for 20 minutes. You usually kept your distance from everyone else, and sat at a small table in the corner with your best friend, Wendy. She hated the noise just as much as you did.

However, it had been different since Clyde asked you out. You sat at his table with all his friends, and today was no different than that. You quickly got your tray of god know what, and went to sit by your 'boyfriend.'

"You look nice today," he said with a smirk.

"Oh. Yeah, whatever," you replied, picking up your plastic fork and playing with your food.

"Why do you always act like this?" He sighed, resting his head on your shoulder and playing with a piece of your (h/c) hair.

"Sorry, baby, a lots been on my mind," you blandly reply. He seemed to blush when you called him 'baby,' but you didn't think much of it. Instead, you focused your attention back onto the fork. You didn't want to start actually believing he loved you, but damn you didn't know it would be this hard. Suddenly, Craig asked Clyde to go talk with him, privately, in the boy's bathroom.

You were left alone with Tweek and Token. It wasn't very awkward, considering this was the third time this has happened within the week. You just sat and poked your fork at the 'food.' That was until Tweek broke the silence.

"Ack! Do yo-you really lik- ack! Clyde?" He asked, seemingly more twitchy. You were sure he was only asking to make sure their little plan would work, but told the truth anyway.

"Yeah, I guess. Why else would I have said yes when he asked me to be his girlfriend." You replied. Both the boys faces seemed to lighten up at your response, but you ignored it as the other two boys returned to their seats.

"What were you guys talking about?" You asked, not taking your eyes away from the fork still tightly gripped in your right hand.

"Oh, just guy stuff.." Clyde started, "anyway, do you wanna maybe come over after school? I kinda have a surprise for you." He offered, while scratching the back of his neck. This was going to be it and you knew it. Today was the day your fantasy was going to end. You sighed and gave him the response he'd hoped for.

"Oh, yeah, sure," you slightly smiled.

//Time Skip//

School had finally ended, and Wendy was walking you to Clyde's house. Not because you asked her too, but because you'd told her about everything that had been going on. She didn't want you to get hurt, and she even tried to talk you out of going, but it was useless. You both knew this dumb little prank was going to have to end sooner or later.

"(Y/n), please! I really don't think this is a good idea. He's doing this for the sole purpose of embarrassing you, and you know that!" She droned on and on, until you finally reached his big, green house. (Correct me if I'm wrong I don't remember his house color:/)

"Whatever you do, don't give him the satisfaction of hurting you," Wendy stated, before leaving you alone and walking towards her house. You knocked on the door and waited for a response.

"Hey, come in," he smirked, "I need to talk to you about something," after he finished the second part his face fell into a slightly noticeable upset look.

"Yeah, I get it, I'll go," you emotionlessly stated.

"Wait, what?" He asked, instead of laughing at you like you expected.

"I get it, ok? I know what's been going on. It's been a prank this whole time, I overheard you and your little group talking. Why would someone like you ever date a loser like me willingly. That kind of stuff only happens in the movies." You finished your little rant and held back the urge to cry. You weren't gonna let him get to you. Suddenly, the last thing you thought would happen did. His lips were ever so slightly against yours. He was being passionate and slow, and even though you were confused beyond belief, you kissed him back. After a while you broke for air.

"You must have only overheard the end of the conversation. I've had a crush on you forever now, and I wanted to ask you out so badly. However, I was truly afraid of rejection from the girl I love, that the guys helped me come up with a plan for if we ended badly. They told me to only say dating you was a prank or something if we broke up, which I'm so glad hasn't didn't happen before I got the chance to explain!" He quickly clarified, trying to catch his breath from talking so fast. You stood there speechless before meeting his lips once again.

"I love you," you said, pulling him into a hug.

"I love you more, beautiful," the brunette teased.

I wanted to make a cute short one :). I hope you guys liked it. This one was actually pretty fun to write! Anyways, love you guys, see you in the next chapter ;)!

//7/24/21// //word count - 1033//


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