🍃Scott Malikinson🍃

22 0 2

(Y/n) - your name

The sound of the crunching snow was the only thing that could be heard as you made your way to Stark's Pond. You hoped so badly that you could be alone here today, but just like every other day, Wendy and crew were there. Well, along with all their latest boy toys. You were just about to turn around until a certain someone spotted you and called you over.

"What do you want Wendy?" You questioned, trying to sound as polite as possible. You never really associated with her, but you knew she was fake. She, just like most of the other girls, always tried to act so nice around you, but you knew it was just an act. They were all super fake, and you wanted nothing to do with them.

"Why don't you come skate with us girly! I have an extra pair in my bag over there!" She offered, gesturing towards her glittery purple bag. Before you could decline, you felt a hand drag you towards the iced over lake.

"Here you go," Wendy sang, tossing you the pair of white ice skates with purple laces. 'Why does everything she owns have to be glittery and purple' you thought, hesitantly taking the skates. You slipped them on in defeat as she began talking once again. Does she ever shut up?

"Stupid me! You don't have anyone to skate with. Everyone else is with their boyfriends," she stated as you slightly rolled your eyes.

"Oh, that's fi-" she cut you off mid-sentence.

"Nonsense! There's gotta be someone here. I mean you really do need someone, you've been single like your whole life," she droned, as you yet again rolled your eyes. She began to look around a moment while placing a finger on her chin.

"Oh, I know! You should ask Scott to skate with you! He's sitting over there on that bench all alone!" She said excitedly. To be honest, you did have a crush on Scott for a while now. He was one of the only people left at your school that wasn't fake or annoying. You sighed in defeat, not wanting to know what would happen if you didn't listen to Wendy, and you began to make your way towards the lonely male.

"H-hi, Scott," you mentally face-palmed yourself for stuttering.

"Oh, hey, (Y/n)," he replied, a slightly noticeable red tinting his cheeks.

"Wendy basically dragged me over here and told me to ask you to skate with me, so do you want to?" You asked, a small reassuring smile plastered on your face.

"Yeah, sure!" He said with his signature lisp, jumped up in excitement. God, he looked so cute. You offered him your hand, to which he accepted, and you made your way to the frozen lake. The two of you began skating all around the ice as Wendy not-so-quietly cheered. After a while, you two became tired and went to sit back on the bench. You noticed both of your hands were still interlocked, and quickly pulled away, a deep red taking over your soft cheeks.

"S-sorry," you apologized, looking away, "I should be going now."

As you stood up, you felt a hand wrap around your wrist and pull you back.

"No, wait," the lisped boy pleaded, "I, uhm, wanna tell you something."

"Oh? What would that be?" You questioned curiously.

"(Y/n), your the prettiest girl I've ever met. And your not like all the other girls at our school who act like sluts just to get boys' attention. Basically what I'm saying is, I think I like you. No, wait, I think I love you!" The boy poured his heart out. You stood there for a few seconds, awestruck. Your crush just confessed to you!

"Wait really? Dude I li- no, love you too," you said giving him a small peck on the cheek.

"You missed," he stated as you gave him a look of confusion. Suddenly you felt a pair of lips on yours. Not knowing what to do, since this was your first kiss and all, you just awkwardly stood there with your arms glued to your side and waited for him to pull away.

"Shit, I'm sorry! That was my first kiss," you explained as he giggled.

"It's ok, try again?" He offered, and you gladly accepted. He leaned in once more, but this time you actually kissed back.

"So, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, holding his hands behind his back.

"Of course!" You answered, engulfing him into a hug.

'I love my lispy boy' you thought, before leaning in once again.

Holy shit this fucking sucks im sorry you had to read that... Anyway I'm sorry I know I haven't been posting a lot recently, I've been getting carried away connecting with old friends on insta lol (if ya want to you can add my insta @lol._imsad :)) anyway see ya later, love you guys :))

//8/01/21// //word count - 841//


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